首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management >Selection of organic materials potentially used to enhance bioremediation of acid mine drainage

Selection of organic materials potentially used to enhance bioremediation of acid mine drainage




Acid mine drainage (AMD), produced when sulfide minerals are subjected to oxygen and water, is one of the major issues in mining industries. Without proper management, AMD's release to the environment would cause seriously prolonged environmental and health issues, such as increases soil acidity and reduces water quality due to extremely low pH, high sulphate concentration, and heavy metal solubility. AMD treatments are divided into two categories, i.e., active treatment, conducted by applying a chemical to the AMD to neutralize pH and precipitate heavy metals; and passive treatment, which relies on biological and biochemical processes. The active treatment may provide an immediate effect, but costly and yet sustainable; meanwhile, passive treatment takes time to establish and to generate an effect, but it is more economical, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. The wetland system is an example of passive treatment. Therefore, this review focuses on passive treatments, especially the selection of organic materials used in constructed AMD wetland treatment. Organic materials play a central role in the wetland system, i.e., to chelate metal ions, remove sulphate from the solution, increase pH, and growth media for microbes, especially sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) and plants are grown in the system. Overall, organic materials determine the effectiveness of the wetland system to neutralize AMD passively and sustainably.
机译:酸性矿山排水(AMD),当硫化物矿物受到氧气和水时,是采矿业中的主要问题之一。如果没有适当的管理,AMD对环境的释放会导致严重的环境和健康问题,例如增加土壤酸度,并通过极低的pH,高硫酸盐浓度和重金属溶解度降低水质。 AMD治疗分为两类,即主动处理,通过向AMD施加化学物体来中和pH并沉淀重金属;和被动治疗,依赖于生物化学过程。主动治疗可能提供即时效果,但昂贵且可持续的;与此同时,被动治疗需要时间建立并产生效果,但它更经济,可持续,环保。湿地系统是被动治疗的一个例子。因此,本综述重点是被动处理,特别是在构建的AMD湿地处理中使用的有机材料的选择。有机材料在湿地系统中发挥着中心作用,即螯合金属离子,从溶液中除去硫酸盐,增加pH和微生物的生长培养基,尤其是硫酸盐还原细菌(SRB)和植物在该系统中生长。总体而言,有机材料决定了湿地系统的有效性被动和可持续地利用AMD。




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