首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems >Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbances and Climate Change on Riverine Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Transport

Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbances and Climate Change on Riverine Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Transport




Nitrogen (N) transport from land to rivers, estuaries, and coastal marine systems has been markedly altered by anthropogenic and climatic drivers over recent decades. In this study, a riverine N transport scheme considering anthropogenic N discharge and water regulation was incorporated into the Land Surface Model of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS‐LSM). Seven groups of simulations using the developed model at the global scale for the period of 1981–2010 were conducted to investigate the effects of anthropogenic disturbances and climate change on riverine dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) transport. It was shown that fertilization and point source pollution have enhanced the DIN fluxes in rivers across the world, especially in western Europe and eastern China. The DIN exports were significantly reduced due to retention by reservoirs and the withdrawal of surface water and groundwater, with a retention efficiency of 50–70%. Climate variability and trends increased or decreased the riverine DIN fluxes depending on the specific hydroclimatic conditions. We further analyzed the contributions of climatic and anthropogenic changes to the riverine DIN changes in four major rivers. The riverine DIN exports in the Mississippi River Basin were affected primarily by fertilization, while the changes in DIN exports of the Danube were dominated by point source pollution and water regulation. The Yangtze River in China was seriously affected by both fertilization and point source pollution, and water regulation played a significant role in reducing DIN exports. Climate variability was the primary factor explaining the interannual variability of DIN exports. Plain Language Summary Nitrogen (N) transport from land to rivers, estuaries, and coastal marine systems has been markedly altered by anthropogenic and climatic drivers over recent decades. The enhanced N exports from land to oceans endanger the ecological environment and human health, which represents a global‐scale challenge. In this study, we incorporated a riverine N transport scheme considering anthropogenic dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) discharge and water regulation into the Land Surface Model of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS‐LSM) to illustrate how anthropogenic disturbances and climate change affect riverine DIN transport. It was shown that fertilization and point source pollution enhanced the DIN fluxes in rivers across the world, while water regulation played a role in reducing DIN exports. Climate variability and trends increased or decreased the riverine DIN fluxes depending on the specific hydroclimatic conditions, and climate variability was the primary factor explaining the interannual variability of DIN exports.
机译:从河流,河口和沿海海洋系统的土地运输,近几十年来,人类学和气候司机的运输量明显改变。在本研究中,考虑人为r型排放和水调节的河流N次运输方案纳入了中国科学院土地表面模型(CAS-LSM)。进行了七组使用开发模型的全球规模在1981 - 2010年期间的模型,以研究人为紊乱和气候变化对河流溶解无机氮(DIN)运输的影响。结果表明,施肥和点源污染增强了世界各地的河流的DIN势态,特别是在中国西欧和中国东部。由于储层保留和地表水和地下水的撤回,抗DIN出口显着降低,保持效率为50-70%。根据具体的含水纤维病症,气候变异性和趋势增加或降低河流DIN通量。我们进一步分析了四个主要河流河流DIL变化对气候和人为变化的贡献。密西西比河流域的河流南德出口主要受施肥影响,而多瑙河的DIN出口的变化由点源污染和水监管为主。中国的长江受到施肥和点源污染的严重影响,水规则在减少恐怖出口方面发挥了重要作用。气候变异性是解释DIN出口际变量的主要因素。近几十年来,普通语言概要氮气(n)从土地到河流,河口和沿海海洋系统的运输方式已经显着改变了人为和气候司机。从土地到海洋的增强型N导出危及生态环境和人类健康,这代表了全球范围的挑战。在这项研究中,我们将河流N级运输方案纳入考虑人类学溶解的无机氮(DIN)排放量和水调节到中国科学院(CAS-LSM)的土地表面模型中,以说明人为扰动和气候变化如何影响河流DIN运输。结果表明,施肥和点源污染增强了世界各地的河流的DIN势态,而水规规则在减少恐怖出口方面发挥作用。根据具体的循环条件,气候变异性和趋势增加或降低河流DIN通量,气候变异性是解释DIN出口依赖性变异性的主要因素。




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