首页> 外文期刊>Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia >Regional differences in Acute Kidney Injury incidence and mortality in developing countries: recent trends

Regional differences in Acute Kidney Injury incidence and mortality in developing countries: recent trends




Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is a globalpublic health problem with short andlong-term consequences that affect patients’quality of life1-5. The widespreadavailability of electronic health recordsin developed countries has improved ourunderstanding of the epidemiology of AKIincidence, rates of recovery, and progression.However, in the developing world,lack of electronic health data has limitedcomprehensive assessments of the burdenof AKI. It is well recognized that the burdenof AKI is often underrepresented inthe developing world and has promptedinitiatives to improve awareness of AKIand develop strategies for its preventionand management6. Previous studies haveshown different etiologies and outcomesfollowing AKI in developed and developingcountries based on governmentalhealth service infrastructure and expenditures7.In a recent metanalysis, patients’characteristics were mostly similar in highand low and low middle-income countries,but outcomes were worse for patients indeveloping countries7. Nevertheless, veryheterogeneous outcomes can be foundwithin the same country as regional differencesin the availability of health careresources and access to care influence patientmanagement.




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