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Diclofenac- and Pantoprazole-Induced Rhabdomyolysis: A Potential Drug Interaction




BackgroundDrugs represent one of the etiologic causes of acute rhabdomyolysis (AR) with drug-induced rhabdomyolysis most commonly associated with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. AR etiology can also result from the use of diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor. Cases of AR triggered by pantoprazole have never before been reported, although it has been observed that its inclusion in multiple drug therapies can result in muscle events.Case presentationA 45-year-old man presenting with complaints of fatigue and extensive body pain was diagnosed with acute rhabdomyolysis. His symptoms started on the fourth day of the concomitant use of diclofenac and pantoprazole. The patient was using diclofenac 50-mg tablets once daily for 1?month and pantoprazole 40-mg tablets once daily during the previous week for headaches and pyrosis, resulting in an increase in his creatinine kinase levels to 3114?IU/L (reference range 24–190?IU/L) on the fifth day of concomitant use. His creatinine kinase levels returned to normal and his complaints disappeared after the seventh day of discontinuation of both treatments.DiscussionA third case of diclofenac-induced rhabdomyolysis was defined in which, different from previous cases, AR was detected during the concomitant use of diclofenac and pantoprazole. The timing of the symptom development and the limited number of AR cases induced by diclofenac and pantoprazole suggested a drug interaction.ConclusionThe close relationship between diclofenac and pantoprazole, and the cytochrome P450 and P-glycoprotein systems offers a strong indication that a drug interaction may be occurring. While evaluating the side effects of drugs in patients undergoing monotherapy, clinicians should also consider the mechanisms that play a part in drug absorption and distribution.
机译:背景技术代表急性横纹肌溶解(AR)的病因引起的一种与药物诱导的横纹肌溶解,最常与HMG-COA还原酶抑制剂相关。 AR病因还可以是使用双氯芬酸,非甾体抗炎药和奥美拉唑来源的质子泵抑制剂。泮托拉唑触发的AR病例从未报告过,尽管已经观察到其包含在多种药物疗法中的包容可能导致肌肉事件。诊断出患有疲劳和广泛的身体疼痛的投诉呈现出肌肉事件。急性横纹肌溶解。他的症状开始于伴随双氯芬酸和泮托拉唑的第四天。患者每天使用双氯芬酸50mg片剂,每天一次,前一周每天一次每天一次,用于头痛和裂化,导致他的肌酐激酶水平增加至3114?IU / L(参考范围24-190?IU / L)在伴随使用的第五天。他的肌酐激酶水平恢复正常,他的投诉在停止两种治疗后的第七天之后消失。定义了Diclofenac诱导的横纹肌分解的第三种情况,其中不同于先前病例,在伴随使用双氯芬酸和泮托拉唑期间检测到Ar。 。 Diclofenac和Pantoprazole诱导的症状发展的时间和有限数量的AR病例提出了药物相互作用。结论双氯芬酸和泮托拉唑之间的密切关系,细胞色素P450和P-糖蛋白系统提供了强烈指示药物相互作用可能是发生。同时评估药物对接受单一疗法的患者的副作用,临床医生还应考虑发挥药物吸收和分布部分的机制。




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