首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >C.H. Dodd se verstaansraamwerk vir die Johannes-evangelie: 'n Evaluasie

C.H. Dodd se verstaansraamwerk vir die Johannes-evangelie: 'n Evaluasie

机译:C.H. Dodd对约翰福音的理解框架:评估



C.H. Dodd's framework for understanding the Gospel according to John: An evaluation. During the previous century Dodd was one of the most significant and influential interpreters of the Gospel of John. His views on the symbolic nature of the Gospel formed the basis of his hermeneutical program for understanding the Gospel. He understood the Johannine symbols in the light of what he regarded as the relevant background material. Theologically he interprets the symbols within a Platonic-like structure, arguing that the symbols in John function as hermeneutical bridges between the background material and the theological formation of the Gospel of John. In subsequent literary studies this approach was and still is questioned.
机译:C.H. Dodd根据John的理解福音的框架:评估。在前世纪,多德是约翰福音最重要而有影响力的口译员之一。他对福音象征性的观点形成了他的诠释学计划,以了解福音。他根据他被认为是相关的背景材料的方式了解约翰尼的符号。神学上,他解释了柏拉图式结构内的符号,认为John函数中的符号作为背景材料和约翰福音的神学形成之间的诠释学桥。在随后的文学研究中,这种方法仍然受到质疑。




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