首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions >Field data collection and analysis of canopy and litter interception in commercial forest plantations in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, South Africa

Field data collection and analysis of canopy and litter interception in commercial forest plantations in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, South Africa

机译:南非夸祖鲁 - 纳塔尔岛中德兰德商业林生园堆积和垃圾拦截的现场数据收集与分析



It is well accepted that the total evaporation in forested areas is greater than in grasslands, largely due to the differences in the amount of rainfall that is intercepted by the forest canopy and litter and due to higher transpiration rates. However, interception is the least studied of these components of the hydrological cycle. The study aims to measure and quantify the canopy and litter interception by Eucalyptus grandis, Pinus patula and Acacia mearnsii, at the Two Streams research catchment in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands of South Africa for the three-year period April 2008 to March 2011. The results from this study showed that canopy and litter interception contributed a significant amount of the water evaporated in a forest water balance. The canopy interception by E. grandis, A. mearnsii and P. patula was 14.9%, 27.7% and 21.4% of gross precipitation, respectively, while litter interception was 8.5%, 6.6% and 12.1% of gross precipitation, respectively.
机译:众所周知,森林地区的总蒸发大于草原,主要是由于森林冠层和垃圾截取的降雨量的差异,并且由于较高的蒸腾率。然而,拦截是对水文循环的这些组分的研究最少。该研究旨在衡量和量化桉树祖兰,南非南非京都岛米德兰岛的两家集团研究集群,为2011年4月至2011年3月的三年期间的两条流研究集群来衡量和量化玉米羚羊·普拉斯·普拉斯·普拉斯和金合欢拦截。该本研究的结果表明,树冠和凋落物拦截导致大量的水在森林水平衡中蒸发。 CAROPY A.MEARNSII和P.PATULA的冠层拦截分别为14.9%,27.7%和21.4%,分别为8.5%,6.6%和12.1%,总降水量分别为8.5%。




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