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Aesthetical Issues of Leonardo Da Vinci’s and Pablo Picasso’s Paintings with Stochastic Evaluation

机译:Leonardo da Vinci's和Pablo Picasso绘画的美学问题,随机评估



A physical process is characterized as complex when it is difficult to analyze or explain in a simple way. The complexity within an art painting is expected to be high, possibly comparable to that of nature. Therefore, constructions of artists (e.g., paintings, music, literature, etc.) are expected to be also of high complexity since they are produced by numerous human (e.g., logic, instinct, emotions, etc.) and non-human (e.g., quality of paints, paper, tools, etc.) processes interacting with each other in a complex manner. The result of the interaction among various processes is not a white-noise behavior, but one where clusters of high or low values of quantified attributes appear in a non-predictive manner, thus highly increasing the uncertainty and the variability. In this work, we analyze stochastic patterns in terms of the dependence structure of art paintings of Da Vinci and Picasso with a stochastic 2D tool and investigate the similarities or differences among the artworks.
机译:当难以以简单的方式分析或解释时,物理过程的特征在于复杂。艺术绘画内的复杂性预计将高,可能与自然相当。因此,艺术家(例如,绘画,音乐,文学等)的结构预计也具有高复杂性,因为它们由众多人(例如,逻辑,本能,情绪等)产生和非人(例如,涂料,纸张,工具等质量)以复杂的方式处理彼此相互作用。各种过程之间的相互作用的结果不是白噪声行为,而是在量化属性的高或低值的簇以非预测方式出现的那种存在的结果,从而高度提高了不确定性和可变性。在这项工作中,我们用随机2D工具分析了Da Vinci和Picasso的艺术绘画依赖结构的随机模式,并研究了艺术品之间的相似性或差异。




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