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Contemporary Landscape Structure within Monumental Zone-1 at Bagan Cultural Heritage Site, Myanmar

机译:缅甸蒲甘文化遗产纪念碑 - 1内的当代景观结构



This study examines the contemporary landscape structure of the Monumental Zone (MZ)-1 at the Bagan Cultural Heritage Site in the Dry Zone of Myanmar. With respect to hundreds of medieval monuments, how local residents in the residential areas within the MZ-1 manage the landscape was the focus of the current study, conducted with two objectives: (1) Identifying land covers as features of the contemporary landscape on the basis of land use and (2) evaluating how the features interrelate. The landscape features were identified by the analysis of Landsat 8 satellite imagery, followed by variance analysis for comparison of the features areas, and interrelationships of features were evaluated by multivariate analysis. Vegetated features were identified in coexistence with non-vegetated ones, while crop coverage and non-vegetated features were smaller than the area of the other two vegetated features. Semi-natural woody vegetation was found in proximity to monuments and was dependent on the occurrence of the shrub-prone patch that, in turn, was triggered by the expansion of exposed land containing a large segment of cultivatable area. The current study suggests the need to prioritise timely land use and management, focusing on local agricultural activity for safeguarding the heritage as well as the historical settings.
机译:本研究审查了缅甸干燥区蒲甘文化遗产的纪念区(MZ)-1的当代景观结构。关于数百名中世纪的纪念碑,MZ-1内部的住宅区内的当地居民如何管理景观是目前研究的重点,其中有两个目标:(1)识别土地覆盖物作为当代景观的特征土地利用的基础和(2)评估功能如何相互关联。通过对Landsat 8卫星图像的分析来确定景观特征,随后进行方差分析,以进行特征区域的比较,并且通过多变量分析评估特征的相互关系。植被的特征以与非植被的共存共存,而作物覆盖率和非植物特征小于其他两种植物特征的面积。在古迹附近发现半天然木质植被,依赖于灌木易发的斑块的发生,又通过敞口土地的膨胀而引发了含有大量耕地区域的膨胀。目前的研究表明,需要优先考虑及时的土地利用和管理,重点关注当地农业活动,以保护遗产以及历史环境。




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