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Analysing key influences over actors’ use of evidence in developing policies and strategies in Nigeria: a retrospective study of the Integrated Maternal Newborn and Child Health strategy




Evidence-informed policymaking has been promoted as a means of ensuring better outcomes. However, what counts as evidence in policymaking lies within a spectrum of expert knowledge and scientifically generated information. Since not all forms of evidence share an equal validity or weighting for policymakers, it is important to understand the key factors that influence their preferences for different types of evidence in policy and strategy development. A retrospective study was carried out at the national level in Nigeria using a case-study approach to examine the Nigerian Integrated Maternal Newborn and Child Health (IMNCH) strategy. Two frameworks were used for conceptualization and data analysis, namely (1) to analyse the role of evidence in policymaking and (2) the policy triangle. They were used to explore the key contextual and participatory influences on choice of evidence in developing the IMNCH strategy. Data was collected through review of relevant national documents and in-depth interviews of purposively selected key policy and strategic decision makers. Thematic analysis was applied to generate information from collected data. The breadth of evidence used was wide, ranging from expert opinions to systematic reviews. The choice of different types of evidence was found to overlap across actor categories. Key influences over actors' choice of evidence were: (1) perceived robustness of evidence - comprehensive, representative, recent, scientifically sound; (2) roles in evidence process, i.e. their degree and level of participation in evidence generation and dissemination, with regards to their role in the policy process; and (3) contextual factors such as global agenda and influence, timeline for strategy development, availability of resources for evidence generation, and lessons learnt from previous unsuccessful policies/plans. Actors' preferences for different types of evidence for policy are influenced not only by the characteristics of evidence itself, but on actors' roles in the evidence process, their power to influence the policy, and the context in which evidence is used.
机译:证决策已经晋升为确保更好的结果的一种手段。但是,怎样才算是在专业知识和科学产生的信息的频谱内的政策制定谎言的证据。由于并非所有形式的证据份额具有同等效力或加权决策者,必须了解影响他们的喜好不同类型的政策和战略发展的证据的关键因素是很重要的。回顾性研究是在使用案例研究的方法来考察尼日利亚综合孕产妇,新生儿和儿童健康(IMNCH)战略在尼日利亚国家一级进行。两个框架被用于概念化和数据分析,即:(1)分析的证据在决策中的作用;(2)政策三角形。他们被用来探索在发展IMNCH战略上的证据选择的关键背景和参与性的影响。数据是通过国家相关文件的审查和深入特意选定关键政策和战略决策者的访谈中收集。专题分析应用于从产生收集的数据的信息。证据使用的广度宽,从专家的意见,系统评价。不同类型的证据的选择是发现整个演员的类别重叠。在演员的选择的证据主要影响是:(1)证据认为稳健性 - 全面的,具有代表性,最近,良好的科学基础; (2)在证据的过程中的作用,即其程度和证据的产生和传播,参与与问候他们在决策过程中的作用的水平; (3)环境因素,如全球议程和影响力,时间表的战略发展,对证据发电资源的可用性,并从以前不成功的策略/计划的经验教训。演员在取证过程中的角色,他们的力量来影响政策,并在其中使用证据的情况下对不同类型的政策依据偏好不仅证据本身的特点,但行动者的影响。




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