首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >From Gamification to AI-Gamification: The Case of Social Network Journalism

From Gamification to AI-Gamification: The Case of Social Network Journalism




Gamification, understood as the use of ludic mechanisms in non-ludic contexts, is seen today as a practice ingrained in new technologies, especially in new media. The shift of journalism onto social networks has laid the foundations for a ludic communicative paradigm that revolves specifically around gaming mechanisms. Nevertheless, recent developments in artificial intelligence call for a partial redefinition of the term "gamification," so as to situate it in its relations with machines and algorithms. For some time now, what are known as empathic media have signaled a turning point in the development of an emotional artificial intelligence, capable of eliciting and responding to the emotional states of consumers and users for commercial purposes. In recent years, this use of artificial emotional intelligence has also made its way into journalism on social networks. This communications channel builds on tools such as sensationalism, irony, and the creation of an empathetic connection with readers—centered on sharing a ludic, humorous paradigm of communication. In this instance, gamification is transformed into AI-gamification, since the aim is to make these mechanisms scientific and commercially profitable through the use of artificial intelligence. Echobox, a social media platform based on artificial intelligence, used by media to communicate more efficiently with readers on social platforms, will provide a case study by which to analyze this effort. I will also show the benefits and drawbacks of this shift from gamification to AI-gamification, examining in particular the capacities and limits of the algorithms in developing a ludic human language whose goal is to increase both users' emotional involvement and the readership of the articles (and, consequently, the revenue) of the media outlets.
机译:由于在非幽灵语境中使用幽灵机制的博彩,今天被视为在新技术中加入的实践,特别是在新媒体上。新闻将新闻转移到社交网络的基础上为一个幽灵交际范例奠定了专门针对游戏机制围绕的思想交流范式。尽管如此,人工智能最近的发展呼吁术语“游戏处理”一词的部分重新定义,以便在与机器和算法的关系中席位。现在有一段时间,所谓的异常媒体已经发出了一种在情感人工智能的发展中发出了转折点,能够引发和响应消费者和用户的情感状态以获得商业目的。近年来,这种人造情感智力也在社交网络上进入了新闻。此通信渠道构建了诸如耸人听闻,讽刺,以及与读者为中心的识别,幽默范式的综合通信范式的读者创造的工具。在这种情况下,游戏化转变为AI-Gamification,因为目的是通过使用人工智能来使这些机制进行科学和商业盈利。 Echobox是一种基于人工智能的社交媒体平台,被媒体使用的媒体与社交平台上的读者更有效地沟通,将提供一个分析这项努力的案例研究。我还将展示这一转变从游戏到AI-Gamification的效益和缺点,特别是在开发幽灵人类语言方面的算法的能力和限制,其目标是提高用户的情感参与和文章的读者的读者(以及,媒体网点的收入)。




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