首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Una lectura cuántica del Multiverso Marvel a través de su plataforma digital = A Quantic Reading of Marvel Multiverse through its Digital Platform

Una lectura cuántica del Multiverso Marvel a través de su plataforma digital = A Quantic Reading of Marvel Multiverse through its Digital Platform

机译:通过其数字平台=通过其数字平台=通过STS数字平台的Marvel Multimerse的量化读数



Marvel's digital platform, called Marvel Unlimited, allows the reader to have access to the entire catalog of Marvel comics in a fully interactive way. Therefore, when they are reading a certain comic they have at their disposal different links to access other comics related to the one they are reading, for they include other appearances of the main characters or other stories that are associated with the current plot. Therefore, reading itself creates a multiverse that is determined by the choices that the reader makes in the course of the reading process. A multiverse clearly conditioned by the action of the observer, since each reader will have their own experience depending on the choices made. Therefore, we are facing a quantum reading experience closely related to Schr?dinger's thesis, reinforced by the idea that Marvel Universe is, in fact, a multiverse ruled by the many worlds theory, one of the interpretations of the quantic physics. Therefore, a quantum reading experience is built, which will be the object of analysis of this paper.
机译:Marvel的数字平台称为Marvel Unlimited,允许阅读器以完全交互方式访问奇迹漫画的整个目录。因此,当他们阅读某种漫画时,他们以他们的处置不同的链接来访问与他们正在阅读的那个相关的其他漫画,因为它们包括与当前曲线相关联的主要角色或其他故事的其他出现。因此,读取本身创建由读者在读取过程的过程中的选择确定的多层次。由观察者的行动明确调节的多层,因为每个读者都有自己的经验,这取决于所做的选择。因此,我们正面临与SCHR?Dinger的论文密切相关的Quantum阅读经验,由奇迹宇宙的想法加强,实际上,由众多世界理论统治的多个人,其中批准物理学的解释之一。因此,建造了量子读取体验,这将是本文的分析对象。




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