首页> 外文期刊>Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy >Flight, Climate Change, and Dangerous Times for Art and Pedagogy

Flight, Climate Change, and Dangerous Times for Art and Pedagogy




Abstract In his last book Chaosmosis , Felix Guattari (1995, p. 129) argues that both “intellectuals and artists have got nothing to teach anyone,” and that they produce “toolkits composed of concepts, percepts and affects, which diverse publics will use at their convenience.” In this video presentation and accompanying article, the authors explore Guattari’s claim as a provocation for visual pedagogy and play with the idea that an artist might have nothing to teach anyone in relation to the idea of visual pedagogies. And, then, what happens when an artist and a teacher talk about visual pedagogies? To open up a dialogue, they employ the cliché, ‘I don’t know much about art but I know what I like’. This statement invites thoughts on the tensions between truth-telling, disciplinarity, and affect. Here the authors take the cliché a step further within the context of visual pedagogies and meaning making. They position this dialogue with the cinematic art work, Flight (2018), which aims to give the viewer a different sensation of the world, to render the familiar unfamiliar, and to let things be (Roder & Sturm, 2017), in order to think differently.
机译:摘要在他最后一本书的混乱中,Felix Guattiari(1995年,第129页)辩称,“知识分子和艺术家都没有任何教导任何人,”他们生产的“由概念,感知和影响组成的工具包,多样化的公众将使用在方便的时候。“在这个视频演示和随附的文章中,作者探讨了Guattari的宣称,作为视觉教学的挑衅,并与艺术家可能没有任何关系的想法,艺术家可以与视觉教学的想法相关联任何人。然后,当艺术家和老师谈论视觉教学时会发生什么?为了开辟一个对话,他们雇用了陈词滥调,'我对艺术不太了解,但我知道我喜欢什么'。本声明邀请了关于判别讲述,纪律和影响之间的紧张局势的思考。在这里,作者在视觉教学教学和意义上进一步迈出了陈词滥调。他们将这种对话与电影艺术作品定位,飞行(2018年),旨在让观众对世界的不同感官,以使熟悉的不熟悉,并让事情成为(罗伯和Sturm,2017),以便以不同的方式思考。




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