首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings >Impact of Soil Water Stress at Seed Development Stage on Phenology, Fecundity and Seed Dormancy of Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana

Impact of Soil Water Stress at Seed Development Stage on Phenology, Fecundity and Seed Dormancy of Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana

机译:土壤水分胁迫对种子开发阶段对养生素,繁殖力和种子休眠的影响。 Ludoviciana



Wild oat (Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Nyman) is considered the most difficult-to-control winter weed in the northern grain region (NGR) of Australia particularly following the adoption of no-till conservation agriculture and the enhanced reliance on herbicides for weed control. A diversity of survival mechanisms is responsible for its persistence in no-till conservation cropping. Among them long-term, variable seed dormancy is the most important. A number of environmental stresses (for example drought) are known to affect the seed dormancy status. We hypothesized that the increasing frequency of hot and dry period in late winter/early spring season in the NGR might help to mature and shed less dormant wild oat seeds before the wheat crop is harvested. This early shedding of highly germinable seed better aids persistence in no-till conservation cropping systems. Our research showed that soil water stress applied at seed development stage resulted in lower number (16–22% less) of early maturing (5–20 days earlier) less dormant (28% less) seeds compared with control plants. This observation was made for a number of biotypes either coming from within one location or between locations within the NGR. Thus, the frequent hot and dry period at the time of seed development in the NGR is responsible for production of less dormant Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana seeds where no-till conservation cropping is helping to retain these seeds on the top soil. Under favourable germination conditions in the following season these less dormant seeds will immediately be available to re-infest the autumn/winter-sown wheat crop.
机译:野生燕麦(Avena Tercilis SSP。Ludoviciana(Durieu)Nyman)被认为是澳大利亚北部北谷物地区(Ngr)最难以控制的冬季杂草,特别是在通过禁止保护农业和加强对除草剂的依赖之后杂草控制。生存机制的多样性负责其持续存在于免耕的养殖过程中。其中长期,可变种子休眠是最重要的。已知一些环境应力(例如干旱)影响种子休眠状态。我们假设冬季冬季/早春季节的炎热和干燥时期的频率越来越多,在收获小麦作物之前,冬季春季/春季的春季可能会有助于成熟,脱落较小的野生燕麦种子。这种早期脱落的高度可萌发的种子更好地助长持久性免受保护作物系统。我们的研究表明,与对照植物相比,在种子开发期施用的土壤水分应力施加在种子发育阶段的早熟(5-20​​天,5-20天)的较低数量(5-20​​天)。对于许多来自一个位置或NGR内的位置之间的许多生物截面进行了这种观察。因此,NGR在种子发育时常温和干燥的时期负责生产较少的休眠AvenaStilis SSP。 Ludoviciana种子在其中禁止保护作物正在帮助在顶部土壤上保留这些种子。在接下来的季节性萌发条件下,这些休眠的种子较少可立即获得秋冬/冬季播种的小麦作物。




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