首页> 外文期刊>Pan African Medical Journal >Evaluation of the national tuberculosis surveillance and response systems, 2018 to 2019: National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Programme, Abuja, Nigeria

Evaluation of the national tuberculosis surveillance and response systems, 2018 to 2019: National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Programme, Abuja, Nigeria




Introduction:Nigeria is among the countries with high Tuberculosis (TB) burden by global rating signifying the relevance of TB surveillance system evaluation in improving performance and capacity of the existing system. Hence, this evaluation was conducted in order to determine the gaps and proffer solution to enhance the TB surveillance system performance.Methods:questionnaires were administered to eight key informants using face-to-face interview method; data obtained was analyzed. Total number of TB cases and estimated number of cases for year 2018 was obtained. Percentage of positive cases using the GeneXpert test for 6 months (January to June 2019) was obtained. Available documents and publications on the National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli Ulcer Control Programme (NTBLCP) were also sought for information.Results:the NTBLCP has over 5,300 TB service points and 1,602 microscopy Centre's distributed across the country. Acceptance for the standard TB case definition was 100%, forms used are easy to fill and diagnosis is laboratory-based requiring specialized trainings for laboratory personnel. The system had 25% sensitivity, high data quality with 100% timeliness. The TB surveillance system is representative of all ages. The system was first designed as TB and Leprosy Control Programme but later Buruli ulcer was incorporated into the Programme. First quarter supervisory visits are skipped due to late funding and delayed budget approval. Major share of the funding comes from donor partners.Conclusion:the system is useful, representative, acceptable, has good data quality, timely, and sensitive. The system is stable but needs to be funded more by the government. There is need for early funding and budget approval to avoid skipping of supervisory visits due to funding challenges. The system is not simple due the various test that need to be conducted before, during and after treatment to detect and verify that the patient is cured. We recommend continuous training of health workers, routine monitoring and evaluation, integration of TB care and prevention into other health services programmes like HIV/AIDS and active case search at all levels to increase the sensitivity of the system. Speed up the process of integration of NTBLCP surveillance system with IDSR for data harmonization in the country.? Ayi Vandi Kwaghe et al.
机译:介绍:尼日利亚是全球评级结核病(结核病)负担的国家之一,这意味着TB监测系统评估在提高现有系统的绩效和能力方面的相关性。因此,进行该评估以确定差距和促进TB监视系统表现的差距。方法:用面对面的面试方法向八个关键信息管理者进行问卷;分析了所得数据。获得了TB案件总数和2018年的估计案件数量。获得了使用Genexpert测试6个月(2019年1月至6月)的阳性病例百分比。还寻求关于国家结核病,麻风病和乌拉利溃疡控制计划(NTBLCP)的可用文件和出版物。结果:NTBLCP在全国各地分布了超过5,300个TB服务点和1,602个显微镜中心。验收标准TB案例定义为100%,使用的形式易于填充,诊断是基于实验室的实验室人员的专业培训。该系统具有25%的灵敏度,高数据质量,具有100%的及时性。 TB监视系统代表了所有年龄段。该系统首先被设计为TB和麻风病控制程序,但后来的乌拉利溃疡被纳入了该计划。由于延迟资金和延迟预算批准,第一季度监督访问被跳过。该资金的主要份额来自捐赠者合作伙伴。结论:该系统有用,代表性,可接受,具有良好的数据质量,及时和敏感。该系统稳定,但需要由政府提供资金。需要提前资助和预算批准,以避免由于资金挑战而跳过监督访问。由于在治疗之前,期间和之后需要进行的各种测试,系统并不简单,以检测和验证患者被治愈。我们建议持续培训卫生工作者,常规监测和评估,结核病护理和预防融入其他卫生服务计划,如艾滋病毒/艾滋病和有效的案例搜索,以增加系统的灵敏度。加快NTBLCP监控系统与IDSR集成的过程在国家统一中的数据协调。 Ayi Vandi Kwaghe等。




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