首页> 外文期刊>South African Journal of Psychiatry >Predictors of bullying reported by perpetrators in a sample of senior school students in Benin City, Nigeria

Predictors of bullying reported by perpetrators in a sample of senior school students in Benin City, Nigeria




Background:Bullying behaviour amongst adolescents is becoming a significant public health challenge. Whilst the traditional and electronic bullying as reported by victims has been widely reported, surveys amongst perpetrators, particularly in Africa, are still lacking.Aim:This study is aimed at determining the prevalence of bullying by perpetrators and analysing the relationship between bullying perpetration and psycho-socio-demographic characteristics amongst senior school students in Benin City, Nigeria.Setting:Senior secondary school in Benin City, Nigeria.Methods:A cross-sectional survey of 465 final-year secondary school students aged 16-19 years, who were selected by multistage random sampling, was conducted. The students were made to fill a self-designed questionnaire, in addition to an adapted version of the Wagnild and Young's resilience scale.Results:The lifetime prevalence of bullying was 16.3%. Binary logistic regression revealed bullying to be significantly associated with students who are male (adjusted odds ratio [AOD] = 2.13, confidence interval [CI] = 1.16-3.93), have poor relations with their teachers (AOR = 2.98, CI = 1.68-5.29), have used alcohol (AOR = 3.51, CI = 1.74-7.09) and are involved in cult and gangsterism (AOR = 9.14, CI = 2.55-32.75).Conclusion:The rate of bullying perpetration by youth in Benin City, Nigeria, is significant and is comparable to global occurrence. The predictors of bullying in this study suggest that perpetrators are individuals who may benefit from rehabilitative measures.? 2020. The Authors.
机译:背景:青少年之间的欺凌行为正在成为一个重要的公共卫生挑战。虽然受害者报告的传统和电子欺凌得到了广泛报道,但仍缺乏肇事者,特别是在非洲的肇事者中的调查仍然缺乏。该研究旨在确定肇事者欺凌行为并分析欺凌期间和心理学之间的关系 - 尼日利亚贝宁市高中生中的社会人口统计特征。尼日利亚贝宁市的高中学校。方法:6-19岁的465名最后一年中学生的横断面调查通过多级随机抽样进行进行。除了改进的Wagnild和Young的康动力量表之外,除了适应版本的版本之外,学生们还填补了自我设计的问卷。结果:欺凌的寿命流行为16.3%。二元逻辑回归分析显示欺凌与学生谁是男性被显著相关(调整后的比值比[AOD] = 2.13,置信区间[CI] = 1.16-3.93),与他们的老师(AOR = 2.98穷亲戚,CI = 1.68- 5.29),用过酒精(AOR = 3.51,CI = 1.74-7.09),并参与邪教和气候主义(AOR = 9.14,CI = 2.55-32.75)。结论:尼日利亚贝宁市青年的欺凌行动率,是显着的,并且与全球发生相当。本研究欺凌的预测因素表明,肇事者是可能受益于康复措施的个人。 2020.作者。




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