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Francis Harry Crick (1916–2004): Co-discoverer of the structure of DNA

机译:Francis Harry Crick(1916-2004):DNA结构的共同发现者



When Thomas Hardy wrote about heredity, nothing was known about its molecular basis. In 1953, two brilliant scientists, James Watson and Francis Crick, discovered the DNA double helix and, in the process, transformed science and ushered in the era of the gene. Francis Harry Crick was born in 1916 in Northampton, England, into a family that ran a shoe factory. He attended University College London, receiving his Bachelor of Science in 1937 with a major in physics. Initially, he undertook graduate work, studying the viscosity of water at high temperatures, a topic he would later refer to as “the dullest problem imaginable”. His studies were literally interrupted by World War II when, in 1939, a bomb went through the roof of his laboratory and damaged his experimental setup. Unable to continue, he embarked on military research on magnetic and acoustic mines for the British Admiralty. He was so skilled at his job that he was offered a position of leadership in the military, but he rejected this in favour of biological research.
机译:当托马斯哈迪写了关于遗传的时候,它的分子基础都不知道。 1953年,两名辉煌的科学家们,詹姆斯·沃森和弗朗西斯克里克发现了DNA双螺旋,在过程中,转变科学和迎来了基因的时代。 Francis Harry Crick于1916年出生于英格兰北岛,进入一个跑鞋厂的家庭。他参加了伦敦大学学院,1937年收到了他的科学学士,物理学专业。最初,他进行了研究生工作,在高温下研究水的粘度,他以后将被称为“想象力的最沉闷的问题”。 1939年,他的研究在第二次世界大战中被第二次世界大战中断了,炸弹通过了他的实验室的屋顶并损坏了他的实验设置。他无法继续,他开始对英国海军部的磁性和声学矿山进行军事研究。他这么擅长他的工作,他在军队中提供了一个领导力的地位,但他拒绝了这一点赞成生物学研究。




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