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Investigation on Alternobaric Vertigo of Gradational Simulated Saturation Diving with the Deepest Saturation of 480m to -493m




Objective To provide medical support for deep helium-oxygen saturation diving. Methods According to the data, the diagnostic criteria of Alternobaric vertigo were established. Gradational simulated saturation diving at 65 m, 250 m and 480m helium-oxygen saturation -493 m (hereinafter referred to as 480 m) in 500m saturation system, questionnaire, physical examination, Nystagmus view detector and Magnetic resonance imaging were used to check divers before and after each pressure exposure. Results 1 person at 250m and 480 m after leaving the cabin each had hyposmia, and 1e person at 250m and 480 m after leaving the cabin each had knee reflex (+), but the two sides were symmetrical. 1 person at 250m and 480 m after leaving the cabin each had finger nose test (+), and 1 person at 480 m after leaving the cabin had heel-knee-tibia test (+). 1 person at 65m, 250m and 480 m after leaving the cabin each had hyperemia in the eardrum, and 1 person at 250m and 2 people at 480 m after leaving the cabin had caloric test (+), all on the right side. 2 people at 250m and 480m after leaving the cabin each were found to be impaired by electrical audiometry. All the abnormal people above were reexamined normal the next day. When the pressure changed, there were 5 person-times of dizziness (13s on average), 4 person-times of aural fullness (177.5s on average), 7 person-times of shaking sensation (337.14s on average), 5 person-times of nausea (312s on average), 3 person-times of dizziness (15min on average), 1 person-time of headache in total (20s), 6 person-times of Romberg and 2 person-times of Fukuda in total. Alternobaric vertigo was diagnosed 1 person-time and most likely 1 person-time at 65m, 2 person-times and most likely 2 person-times at 250m and 3 person-times at 480m. Conclusion Alternobaric vertigo occurs frequently in deep helium-oxygen saturated diving, which is characterized by short time, complete reversibility and no influence, but should be paid attention to.
机译:目的为深氦氧饱和潜水医学的支持。方法根据数据,建立Alternobaric眩晕的诊断标准。渐变模拟饱和潜水在65米250米和480米氦 - 氧饱和-493米500米饱和系统,问卷调查,体格检查,眼球震颤视图检测器和磁共振成像(以下,称为480米)用于前检查潜水员和每个压力曝光后。结果1人在250米和离开机舱各自具有嗅觉减退后480米和1E人在250米和离开机舱各自具有膝反射(+)后480米,但双方都对称。 1人在250米和离开机舱各自具有指鼻试验(+)后480米,和离开机舱后1人在480米有脚跟膝胫骨试验(+)。 1人在65米,有250米,离开机舱耳膜各有充血后480米,和离开机舱后,1人处480米250米2人有冷热试验(+),所有在右侧。 2人在250米480米离开机舱后,每个被发现通过电测听被削弱。上述所有的异常人复查正常的第二天。当压力改变时,有头晕的5人次(平均13秒),耳胀的4人次(平均177.5s),摇动感觉(平均337.14s)的7人次,5人 - 恶心的倍(平均312S),头晕的3人次(平均15分钟),1总计(20S)头痛人次,龙贝格的6人次和2中总的福田人次。 Alternobaric眩晕被诊断为65米1人时,最有可能1人次,2人次,在250米最有可能2人次,3人次在480米。结论Alternobaric眩晕深氦氧饱和潜水,其特点是时间短,完全可逆性没有影响,但应注意经常发生。




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