首页> 外文期刊>Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública >Iniciativas de optimización del uso de antimicrobianos en los hospitales de América Latina y el Caribe: Revisión exploratoria Iniciativas de Otimiza??o do Uso de Antimicrobianos em hospitais da América Latina e Caribe: uma revis?o exploratória

Iniciativas de optimización del uso de antimicrobianos en los hospitales de América Latina y el Caribe: Revisión exploratoria Iniciativas de Otimiza??o do Uso de Antimicrobianos em hospitais da América Latina e Caribe: uma revis?o exploratória

机译:在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区医院使用抗菌药物的优化举措:左米达的探索性审查举措?或使用抗菌药物EM Hospitais da拉丁美洲和加勒比地区:Uma审查?或探索



Objectives. To examine published antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) initiatives in hospitals in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in order to characterize AMS terminology usage, geotemporality, and elements of structure (human resources), process (interventions), and outcomes, and to set priority areas for improving AMS reporting. Methods. This was a scoping review that searched PubMed, LILACS, EMBASE, and 12 other databases, along with a manual search for academic and grey literature to identify documents on AMS initiatives in hospitals in 33 countries of LAC, up to August 2019. Keywords included ‘antibiotic’ or ‘antimicrobial’ AND ‘stewardship, policy, strategies, management, control, rational use, appropriate use, surveillance, or interventions’ and 33 country names. Results. Selected articles totalled 147 studies published in 1985 – 2019; of those, 22% used ‘antimicrobial stewardship’ in the title. Eighteen countries published AMS hospital initiatives, one-half of which were implemented in capital cities. Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, and Chile, in descending frequency, made up 59% of published initiatives. Educational interventions were the most frequently reported, followed by persuasive and restrictive strategies. Antimicrobial consumption was the most common outcome measure reported. About one-third of the studies (35%) referred to baseline measures-only in preparation for AMS interventions. Fifty-nine studies from 6 countries reported AMS comprehensively, using structure, process, and outcome (SPO) elements. Conclusions. Published hospital AMS initiatives have increased over time and have expanded across LAC. However, more programs need to be developed. Complete reporting of SPO elements is imperative to evaluating and replicating AMS actions.
机译:目标。在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区(LAC)的发布抗微生物管道(AMS)倡议,以表征AMS术语使用率,地理位性和结构(人力资源),过程(干预)和结果以及设定改善AMS报告的优先领域。方法。这是一个范围的评论,搜索了PubMed,Lilacs,Embase和12个其他数据库,以及手工搜索学术和灰色文学,以确定Lac 33个国家的医院中AMS倡议的文件,高达2019年8月。抗生素“或”抗微生物的“和”行为,政策,战略,管理,控制,合理使用,适当的使用,监督或干预“和33个国家名称。结果。选定的文章总计147项研究于1985年 - 2019年出版;其中22%,在标题中使用了22%的“抗微生物管道”。十八个国家出版了AMS医院举措,其中一半是在资本城市实施的。巴西,阿根廷,哥伦比亚,古巴,墨西哥和智利,下降频率,占发表举措的59%。教育干预是最常见的,其次是有说服力和限制性的策略。抗微生物消耗是最常见的结果衡量标准。大约三分之一的研究(35%)提到基线措施 - 仅在准备AMS干预方面的准备。来自6个国家的五十九项研究报告了AMS全面,使用结构,过程和结果(SPO)元素。结论。出版的医院AMS举措随着时间的推移而增加,并扩大了Lac。但是,需要开发更多的程序。完整的SPO元素的报告必须评估和复制AMS行动。




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