首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia >In response to - “Three Blocks including Pericapsular Nerve Block (PENG) for a femoral shaft fracture pain” by Onur Koyuncu et al.

In response to - “Three Blocks including Pericapsular Nerve Block (PENG) for a femoral shaft fracture pain” by Onur Koyuncu et al.

机译:响应 - “包括股骨轴骨折疼痛的三个块(包括腓骨骨折疼痛”)。



I read with interest a recently published article in youresteemed journal title ‘‘Three blocks including PericapsularNerve Block (PENG) for a femoral shaft fracture pain’’ byOnur Koyuncu et al.1 I personally congratulate the author forhis innovative and intensive approach to provide analgesia ina case of fracture shaft femur extending up to head of femur.However, I have little reservation for his approach. Firstly,large volume of local anaesthetic was used to give threeblocks which could lead to local anaesthetic toxicity eventhen, the pain control was up to 50% only. This effect couldeasily be attained by increasing the volume of local anaestheticduring PENG block. Various studies have shown thatlarge volume can block femoral, lateral femoral cutaneousnerve and obturator nerve along with assesory obturator andarticular branches of femoral nerves.2---4 Secondly, waitingfor three minutes to assess clinical effect before going forsecond block was quite inadequate. As suggested by authorsof PENG block,5 adequate time should have been given toassess the complete clinical effect.
机译:我读到了最近发表的文章,在您是最近的期刊标题中的三个街区,包括股骨骨干骨折疼痛的三个街区''your koyuncu等人,我亲自祝贺作者的创新和强化方法提供镇痛INA骨折轴股骨延伸到股骨头。然而,我对他的方法很少保留。首先,使用大量的局部麻醉剂用于给予三块,这可能导致局部麻醉毒性畸形,疼痛对照只有50%。通过增加局部麻醉桩块的体积来实现这种效果。各种研究表明,随着股骨,侧向股骨保温剂和闭孔神经的各种研究以及股骨神经的Assesory闭塞器和闭塞子。第二,等待三分钟,以评估临床效果,然后再僵化块是相当不充分的。正如彭块的作者所建议的那样,5个适当的时间应该给予完整的临床效果。




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