首页> 外文期刊>Rangifer >Attributes of Woodland Caribou Migration Habitat in West-Central British Columbia

Attributes of Woodland Caribou Migration Habitat in West-Central British Columbia

机译:不列颠哥伦比亚省西部 - 中部林地驯鹿迁移栖息地的属性



We examined sites used by 73 caribou located by radio-tracking during spring migration through a forested travel corridor. The physical and botanical characteristics of these sites were described to find what features (if any) distinguished them from the forest at large. Raised and open aspect, sparse tree cover, free-draining soils, and a simple flora with abundant lichens were features common to all the sites, but were lacking in the denser forest around. Scores for these attributes were ordinated by multidimensional scaling of similarities and differences from site to site. Separate searings for (i) terrain features, (ii) tree cover attributes, and (iii) floristic content each yielded a single cluster of points with few outliers and no particular pattern or trend. The inference is that the sites conformed to a single type with limited variation. A profile of the distinguishing characteristics was compiled and then applied to transects through the general migration area by persons unfamiliar with it beforehand. Sites which matched the profile proved easy to identify, even though they comprised only a small proportion of the area. Sites with high scores for the most distinctive attributes had more caribou at the time of radio-tracking.
机译:我们在春季迁移期间通过森林旅行走廊审查了73架驯鹿定位的网站。描述了这些位点的物理和植物特征,以找到哪些功能(如果有的话)将它们与大森林区分开来。凸起和开放的方面,稀疏的树木覆盖,自由排水土壤和具有丰富地衣的简单植物群是所有网站的特色,但缺乏在密集的森林中。这些属性的分数由来自网站到现场的相似性和差异的多维缩放统治。 (i)地形特征(ii)树覆盖属性和(iii)植物内容的单独素描,每个植物内容都产生了几个分数,几个异常值,没有特定的模式或趋势。推断是该站点符合单一类型,具有有限的变化。编制了区别特征的简档,然后应用于通过预先熟悉的人不熟悉的人通过普通迁移区域横断。符合配置文件的网站证明了易于识别,即使它们仅包括该地区的一小部分。在无线电跟踪时,最独特的属性的分数具有高分的网站。




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