首页> 外文期刊>New Media and Mass Communication >A Study on the Practice of Kombolcha Community Radio, Amhara, Ethiopia (Access, Participation and Platform)

A Study on the Practice of Kombolcha Community Radio, Amhara, Ethiopia (Access, Participation and Platform)




The aim of this study was to examine the practices of Kombolcha Community Radio (KCR). The theory of participatory communication as articulated in the UNESCO’s debates of the 1970s and the dialogical or critical pedagogy of Paulo Freire served as the theoretical frameworks in this study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed in the study. Questionnaires, interviews, documents and observation were the tools employed for gathering the data from residents of the community and KCR staff. Probability sampling (i.e. random sampling) and non-random sampling (i.e. purposive sampling) methods were used to select the subjects. Based on the information obtained, it was found that KCR focused on entertainment (i.e. music), educational, phone-in and discussion programs. It provided good access, but the quality of the signal and the representation of the community culture in the output of the station’s programs were found to be poor. The participation of the community was also found to be poor in the overall activity of the station. Even though the community was assumed to participate in decision making process through their representatives, the representatives themselves didn’t participate in the station’s activity. Similarly, the study revealed that the station gave independent platform were the community members discuss of issues of concern to them. Finally, it was recommended that the station focus on participatory programs, use modern transmission equipment and give much emphasis to the Kombolcha Community’s culture as well as creating a mechanism for soliciting feedback.




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