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Mapping fungal ignorance: Checklists of fungi and fungal-like organisms known for Egypt in two centuries




Information concerning biodiversity and conservation of plants and animals in Egypt are fully available, but for fungi and fungus-like organisms (other organisms traditionally studied by mycologists), still missing and overlooked till 2010 when Abdel-Azeem published a full review of the history of mycology in Egypt, together with a checklist of 2281 species of fungi for the country, and an assessment of future perspectives for mycology in Egypt. Until that review, information about fungi from Egypt had been fragmentary and highly dispersed in many often obscure and difficult to obtain publications. Abdel-Azeem?s checklist greatly increased the number of fungi recorded from the country and, significantly, is the first fully documented checklist of fungi for any country in the Arabic speaking world. Records of fungi in Egypt from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) database (4491 occurrences represented by 602 taxa), and that of the former International Mycological Institute fungal reference collection (IMI) (650 species) were also considered. Updated checklists of fungi are very limited in Egypt even they are one of the most important and critical tool for conservation. With this Mini-review we aim to provide an up-to-date overview on the recent developments on biodiversity and documentation of fungi and fungus-like organisms in Egypt. The documentation of fungal diversity in Egypt is urgently needed because natural habitats worldwide are being lost on a large scale through climate change and to promote proper exploration as a tool to facilitate fungal identification and to aid conceptualization and justification of future research projects.
机译:有关埃及植物和动物的生物多样性和保护的信息是完全可用的,但对于真菌和真菌的生物(其他由Mycolociars学习的其他生物),仍然失踪并忽视了2010年,当Abdel-Azeem发表了对历史的完整审查时埃及的Mycology,以及全国2281种真菌的清单,以及对埃及的Mycology的未来观点评估。在该审查之前,有关埃及的真菌的信息已经零碎,并且在许多人经常模糊不清并且难以获得出版物。 ABDEL-AZEEM?S检查表大大增加了来自该国记录的真菌数量,显着是阿拉伯语世界中任何国家的真菌清单的第一个完全记录的清单。从全球生物多样性信息设施(GBIF)数据库(GBIF)数据库(由602个分类机构表示的4491个出现)以及前国际Mycological研究所真菌参考收集(IMI)(IMI)(650种)的真菌记录也被考虑在内。更新的真菌清单在埃及非常有限,即使它们是最重要和最关键的保护工具之一。有了这个迷你审查,我们的目标是对最近的近期生物多样性和埃及真菌和真菌的生物体文献的发展的最新概述。迫切需要埃及真菌多样性的文件是迫切需要的,因为全世界的自然栖息地通过气候变化丢失,并促进适当的探索作为一种工具,以促进真菌识别,并援助未来研究项目的概念化和理由。




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