首页> 外文期刊>Molecular cytogenetics >Combined classical cytogenetics and array Comparative Genomic Hybridisation for genomic copy number analysis

Combined classical cytogenetics and array Comparative Genomic Hybridisation for genomic copy number analysis




BackgroundThere is a great need for reporting and cataloging of genotypephenotype correlation of clusters of individualssharing similar genomic rearrangements and phenotypes.This will facilitate diagnosis and personalized geneticcounseling and will also improve our understanding ofgene function and disease. Karyotyping and FISH aremicroscopic classical cytogenetic methods of detectinggain, loss or rearrangement of genetic material. ArrayComparative Genomic Hybridisation (CGH) can used formolecular characterization, to size the abnormality andstudy the gene content.Materials and methodsA pilot study was designed: Combined classical cytogenetic,Array CGH and phenotypic findings were correlatedin 20 patients with autism, mental retardation orcongenital malformations.ResultsTen out of 20 patients with autism, mental retardationor congenital malformations had a normal karyotypeand ten had abnormal karyotype. Ten normal subjectswere included as normal controls, of which two hadbalanced translocations, which were not recognized byACGH.ConclusionsCopy number variations detected by ACGH can be novelor extremely rare such that uncertainty may remain as towhether the aberration is pathogenic or simply a benignvariant. Copy number variant (CNV) loci have been listedin the database of genomic variants (DGV). Using thisand the UCSC browser the analysis of the size of theaberration and gene content was done in all individualcases, with normal or abnormal karyotypes. These findingswere correlated with the phenotype to recognizeindividual syndromes.ConclusionsThis pilot study is just the beginning. Identification ofmore patients, who share a region of genomic duplicationor deletion and have phenotypic features in common, willallow greater certainty to be given to the pathogenicnature of the rearrangement and delineation of new syndromes.Most data available is western. Therefore there isa need to document and register Indian data accumulatedto recognize the more common syndromes affecting ourpopulation and the common benign CNVs which can bediscounted in our population, during the CNV analysis.
机译:Backgroundshere很有需要报告和编程个体分析类似基因组重排和表型的簇的基因型相关性。这将促进诊断和个性化的遗传选择,还将提高我们对冠心功能和疾病的理解。核型化和鱼类芳烃经典细胞遗传学方法的探测,损失或重排的遗传物质。阵列偏移基因组杂交(CGH)可以使用甲模类表征,规模,异常和研究的基因含量。设计:组合古典细胞遗传学,阵列CGH和表型发现与20例自闭症患者有关,心理延迟畸形畸形。在20名患有自闭症的患者中,精神迟滞的先天性畸形具有正常的核心型十次核型。 10个正常对象包括在正常对照中,其中两个具有识别的HATBALADACACE易位,其未被识别。通过ACGH检测到的结论数变化可以是新蛋白的,使得不确定性可以留下牵引像素是致病性或仅仅是益处理的疾病。复制编号变体(CNV)LOCI已列出基因组变体(DGV)的数据库。使用ThisAnd,UCSC浏览器在所有个体酶中,核型或异常的核型或异常或异常或异常或异常或异常或异常或异常或异常或异常的核型。这些发现与识别中的表型相关联,以识别行为综合征.Conclusionsthis试验研究只是一个开始。鉴定患者患者,患者分享一个基因组重复性缺失的区域,具有普遍的表型特征,威尔允许更具确定性,以便对新综合征的重新排列和描绘的致病性。最有可用的数据是西方。因此,需要记录和注册累积的印度数据,识别影响植物的常见综合症和可以在CNV分析期间在我们人群中脱床的常见良性CNV。




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