首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Taxonomy >Eight new species of the genus Anaplecta Burmeister, 1838 (Blattodea: Blattoidea: Anaplectidae) from China based on molecular and morphological data

Eight new species of the genus Anaplecta Burmeister, 1838 (Blattodea: Blattoidea: Anaplectidae) from China based on molecular and morphological data

机译:基于分子和形态学数据,1838(Blattodea:Blattoidea:Blattoidea:Anaprectidae)的八种新种类的Anaplecta Murmeister。



In this study, we examine 500 specimens of Anaplecta collected from China, of which 26 samples were used for COI sequencing. We confirm eight new species, i.e., Anaplecta corneola Deng & Che sp. nov., Anaplecta staminiformis Deng & Che sp. nov., Anaplecta arcuata Deng & Che sp. nov., Anaplecta strigata Deng & Che sp. nov., Anaplecta furcata Deng & Che sp. nov., Anaplecta cruciata Deng & Che sp. nov., Anaplecta nigra Deng & Che sp. nov. and Anaplecta bicolor Deng & Che sp. nov. based on morphological and molecular data using ABGD and GMYC analyses. The results of ABGD and GMYC were basically consistent with the morphospecies of Anaplecta. The intraspecific and interspecific genetic distances of Anaplecta ranged from 0 to 6.6% and 16.8% to 31.8%, respectively. We found the male genitalia of Anaplecta to exhibit intraspecific variation, especially in the phallomeres.
机译:在这项研究中,我们研究了从中国收集的Anapecta标本,其中26个样品用于COI测序。我们确认了八种新种,即Anplecta Corneola Deng&Che Sp。 11月。,Anplecta Staminiformis邓&Che Sp。 11月。,Anplecta Arcuata Deng&Che Sp。 11月。,Anplecta Strigata Deng&Che Sp。 11月。,Anplecta Furcata Deng&Che Sp。 11月。,Anplecta Cruciata Deng&Che Sp。 11月。,Anplecta nigra deng&Che sp。 11月。和Anaplecta Bicolor邓&Che sp。 11月。基于使用ABGD和GMYC分析的形态学和分子数据。 ABGD和GMYC的结果与ANAPRECTA的形态学基本一致。 AnaPlecta的内部内特异性和特异性遗传距离分别为0%至6.6%和16.8%至31.8%。我们发现Anaplecta的雄性生殖器表现出含有内脏的变异,特别是在噬菌体中。




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