首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Marine Science >Protocol for Sampling Sequential Fin Spine Growth Intervals for Isotope Analysis in the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Protocol for Sampling Sequential Fin Spine Growth Intervals for Isotope Analysis in the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna




Background: Micromilled fish otoliths (ear bones) have been widely used for stable oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotope analysis. The first dorsal fin spine is routinely used for ageing in the eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT) population; however, stable isotope analysis remains unapplied in this hard structure. The objective of the present protocol is to achieve a sequential sampling of growth layers in the ABFT fin spine at high spatial resolution and along growth trajectory for stable isotope analysis. Methods: We used a micromilling and micro-powder collecting technique for sequentially sampling annual growth layers of the fin spine bone collected from freshly caught ABFT. We assessed the carbonate content and the optimal drilling amount to ensure enough powder quantity was recovered from each annual growth band to accommodate accurate measurement of the δ18O and δ13C values. Results: The optimal drilling path included 20 drilling lines in 49 μm, with 400 μm depth and 900 μm-line width, which represents a time resolution of about 2.5 months. The minimum powder quantity required from each annual growth layer for δ18O and δ13C isotope analysis was approximately 180 μg because the carbonate contents in the fin spine powder was 5-6 %. The δ18O profile assayed in the last growth intervals coincide with the surface δ18Oseawater for the southern west waters off the Norwegian coast, where the tuna was caught. The fluctuating pattern in the second growth interval may reflect certain fidelity to the Norwegian SE and Swedish SW coast and/or otherwise to the US west coast. The δ13Cspine displayed a larger temporal variability along the growth transect that may be explained by several factors including differences in habitat use, behavior, and even trophic level. Conclusion: Based on the result obtained, we present an optimal standard protocol for the sampling of sequential, annually formed growth layers in the fin spine bone for stable isotope analysis using the micro-milling as a high precision technique. This protocol is particularly useful in endangered and/or protected species for which fin spines represent a non-lethal alternative to otolith, bringing new research avenues to improve their management and conservation.
机译:背景:微量鱼耳石(耳骨)已广泛用于稳定的氧(Δ18O)和碳(Δ13C)同位素分析。第一个背鳍脊柱是在东部大西洋蓝鳍金枪鱼(ABFT)人口中的老化;然而,在这种硬结构中稳定的同位素分析仍未申请。本方案的目的是在高空间分辨率和沿着稳定同位素分析中沿着高空间分辨率和生长轨迹中的生长层的连续取样。方法:采用微粉和微粉收集技术,用于依次采样从新鲜捕获的ABFT收集的翅片脊柱的年生长层。我们评估了碳酸盐含量和最佳钻孔量,以确保从每个年生长带中回收足够的粉末量以适应Δ18O和Δ13C值的精确测量。结果:最佳钻孔路径包括49μm的20个钻孔线,深度为400μm,900μm宽度,表示约2.5个月的时间分辨率。 Δ18O和Δ13C同位素分析的每个年生长层所需的最小粉末量约为180μg,因为翅片粉末中的碳酸盐含量为5-6%。在最后一次生长间隔中测定的Δ18O曲线与挪威海岸的南部西水域的表面δ18乙醚相一致,金枪鱼被捕获。第二个生长间隔中的波动模式可能会对挪威硒和瑞典的SW海岸和/或以其他方式反映美国西海岸的某些保真度。 Δ13CSpine沿着生长横断面显示出更大的时间可变性,这可以通过几个因素来解释,包括栖息地使用,行为甚至营养水平的差异。结论:基于所得的结果,我们在翅片骨中取样的最佳标准方案,用于使用微铣削作为高精度技术的翅片脊髓中翅片骨中的顺序,每年形成的生长层。该方案在濒危和/或受保护物种中特别有用,其中鳍脊柱代表欧特里斯的非致命替代品,带来了新的研究途径来改善其管理和保护。




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