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Bezold Jarisch reflex causing bradycardia and hypotension in a case of severe dystrophic cervical kyphotic deformity: a case report and review of literature

机译:Bezold Jarisch Reflex在严重营养不良的颈椎畸形的情况下引起心动过缓和低血压:文献报告和审查



A 17-year-old adolescent with neurofibromatosis and severe cervicothoracic deformity was identified to have thoracic inlet compression leading to bradycardia and hypotension, only during prone positioning, and we discuss its successful management. Preoperative halo-gravity traction reduced the deformity from 126 to 91 . During prone positioning, sudden onset bradycardia was followed by asystole, which disappeared immediately on turning over to supine position. Surgery was called off after two additional failed attempts of prone positioning. A retrospective analysis of CT and MRI showed severe narrowing of the thoracic inlet. In this patient, the right thoracic inlet was severely narrow, and prone positioning caused a further dynamic compromise stimulating right vagal nerve. The right vagus supplies the sinoatrial node, which is the natural pacemaker of the heart, and its stimulation causes sympathetic inhibition. Bezold Jarisch reflex is a cardio-inhibitory reflex occurring due to vagal stimulation resulting in sudden bradycardia, asystole, and hypotension. To facilitate prone positioning, the medial end of the clavicles, along with limited manubrium excision, was performed relieving the vagal compression. C2 T4 instrumented decompression followed by anterior reconstruction and cervical plating was performed. The postoperative period was uneventful, and the final deformity was 45 . Bezold Jarisch Reflex as a result of narrow thoracic inlet caused by cervical kyphosis and compensatory hyperlordosis of the upper thoracic spine has never been reported. This case highlights the need to introspect into thoracic inlet morphology in severe cervicothoracic deformities. Thoracic inlet decompression is an efficient way of addressing this unique complication.
机译:鉴定了17岁的青少年,患有神经纤维瘤病和严重的宫颈畸形,只有在俯卧位定位期间,只有胸肉入口压缩,才能探讨了Bradycardia和Hypotension,我们讨论了其成功的管理。术前卤素 - 重力牵引力从126到91减少了畸形。在俯卧定位期间,突然发作的心动过缓之后是asystole,它立即消失在转向仰卧位。在两次额外失败的易于定位尝试后,手术被呼吁。 CT和MRI的回顾性分析表明胸廓入口的严重变窄。在该患者中,右胸肉入口严重窄,并且易于定位导致刺激右侧神经的进一步动态折衷。右迷走向鼻窦节点,这是心脏的天然心脏病制造商,其刺激导致交感神经抑制。 Bezold Jarisch Reflex是由于缺陷刺激而发生的心动抑制反射,导致突然的心动过缓,asystole和低血压。为了促进俯卧定位,克拉期内侧以及有限的甘露素切除术后,缩小压缩。 C2 T4仪器减压,然后进行前部重建和宫颈镀层。术后期间是不行的,最终的畸形为45。由于宫颈脊柱病引起的狭窄胸肉入口,因此从未报道过胸椎的颈脊柱病和补偿高价化。这种情况强调了在严重的宫颈畸形中对胸腔内的需要进行检查。胸廓入口解压缩是一种有效的解决这种独特的复杂性的方法。




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