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A New Digital Terrain Model of the Huygens Landing Site on Saturn's Largest Moon, Titan




River valleys have been observed on Titan at all latitudes by the Cassini‐Huygens mission. Just like water on Earth, liquid methane carves into the substrate to form a complex network of rivers, particularly stunning in the images acquired near the equator by the Huygens probe. To better understand the processes at work that form these landscapes, one needs an accurate digital terrain model (DTM) of this region. The first and to date the only existing DTM of the Huygens landing site was produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from high‐resolution images acquired by the DISR (Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer) cameras on board the Huygens probe and using the SOCET SET photogrammetric software. However, this DTM displays inconsistencies, primarily due to nonoptimal viewing geometries and to the poor quality of the original data, unsuitable for photogrammetric reconstruction. We investigate a new approach, benefiting from a recent reprocessing of the DISR images correcting both the radiometric and geometric distortions. For the DTM reconstruction, we use MicMac, a photogrammetry software based on automatic open‐source shape‐from‐motion algorithms. To overcome challenges such as data quality and image complexity (unusual geometric configuration), we developed a specific pipeline that we detailed and documented in this article. In particular, we take advantage of geomorphic considerations to assess ambiguity on the internal calibration and the global orientation of the stereo model. Besides the novelty in this approach, the resulting DTM obtained offers the best spatial sampling of Titan's surface available and a significant improvement over the previous results.
机译:Cassini-Huygens Mission的所有纬度都在泰坦观察到河谷。就像地球上的水一样,液体甲烷雕刻到基板中以形成复杂的河流网络,特别是Huygens探针在赤道附近获得的图像中的图像。为了更好地了解在工作中形成这些景观的过程中,需要该地区的准确数字地形模型(DTM)。第一个和迄今为止惠更斯登陆网站的唯一现有的DTM由美国地质调查(USGS)产生的来自惠州探测器和使用SOCET上的浪费(下降成像仪/光谱辐射计)摄像机获得的高分辨率图像设置摄影测量软件。然而,该DTM显示不一致,主要是由于非优质观察几何形状和原始数据的质量差,不适合摄影测量重建。我们调查了一种新的方法,从最近的浪费图像再处理纠正辐射和几何失真。对于DTM重建,我们使用MicMac,一种基于自动开源形状-Form-Motion算法的摄影测量软件。为了克服数据质量和图像复杂性等挑战(不寻常的几何配置),我们开发了我们在本文中详细介绍和记录的特定管道。特别是,我们利用地貌考虑来评估内部校准和立体模型的全球方向的模糊性。除了这种方法中的新颖性之外,所得DTM获得的DTM提供了泰坦表面的最佳空间采样,并在先前的结果上进行了重大改进。




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