首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Science, Technology and Society >Synergistic Formation of Harmonious Social and Uniform Economic Order

Synergistic Formation of Harmonious Social and Uniform Economic Order




The pandemic has shown how quickly we can change our way of life. Environmental and climatic rapid environmental degradation also requires us to change our way of life. The author proposes to change the way of life in the direction of synergistic formation of a harmonious uniform socio-economic structure to ensure the integrity of man, society and Nature as proportional to the consistency of parts of the Universe. Synergy of development of all spheres of life of socio-economic structure improves harmony of social structure and uniformity of economic structure. Harmonious social and equitable economic order is the basis of synergy of socio-economic improvement. The synergy of culture, science and education improves the harmony of social order. Synergy between industry and service industry improves the balance of economic order. The social and civic initiative to improve the harmony of the social structure and the uniformity of the economic structure is the driving force of the harmonious uniform socio-economic structure of society. The young generation, through cultural education and education, accumulates the experience of harmonious life activities and is included through various spheres in the formation and improvement of a harmonious even socio-economic structure. Cultural education and communication contribute to the harmonization of individual and social life.




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