首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Health Geographics >The use of national administrative data to describe the spatial distribution of in-hospital mortality following stroke in France, 2008–2011

The use of national administrative data to describe the spatial distribution of in-hospital mortality following stroke in France, 2008–2011

机译:使用国家行政数据来描述法国中风后卒中后院死亡率的空间分布,2008 - 2011年



In the context of implementing the National Stroke Plan in France, a spatial approach was used to measure inequalities in this disease. Using the national PMSI-MCO databases, we analyzed the in-hospital prevalence of stroke and established a map of in-hospital mortality rates with regard to the socio-demographic structure of the country. The principal characteristics of patients identified according to ICD10 codes relative to stroke (in accordance with earlier validation work) were studied. A map of standardized mortality rates at the level of PMSI geographic codes was established. An exploratory analysis (principal component analysis followed by ascending hierarchical classification) using INSEE socio-economic data and mortality rates was also carried out to identify different area profiles. Between 2008 and 2011, the number of stroke patients increased by 3.85%, notably for ischemic stroke in the 36-55 years age group (60% of men). Over the same period, in-hospital mortality fell, and the map of standardized rates illustrated the diagonal of high mortality extending from the north-east to the south-west of the country. The most severely affected areas were also those with the least favorable socio-professional indicators. The PMSI-MCO database is a major source of data on the health status of the population. It can be used for the area-by-area observation of the performance of certain healthcare indicators, such as in-hospital mortality, or to follow the implementation of the National Stroke Plan. Our study showed the interplay between social and demographic factors and stroke-related in-hospital mortality. The map derived from the results of the exploratory analysis illustrated a variety of areas where social difficulties, aging and high mortality seemed to meet. The study raises questions about access to neuro-vascular care in isolated areas and in those in demographic decline. Telemedicine appears to be the solution favored by decision makers. The aging of the population managed for stroke must not mask the growing incidence in younger people, which raises questions about the development of classical (smoking, hypertension) or new (drug abuse) risk factors.
机译:在实施法国国家中风计划的背景下,使用空间方法来衡量该疾病的不平等。使用国家PMSI-MCO数据库,我们分析了中风的患儿患病率,并建立了一个国家社会人口结构的住院地死亡率地图。研究了根据ICD10代码相对于中风(根据早期验证工作)确定的患者的主要特征。建立了PMSI地理码水平的标准化死亡率地图。还执行了使用insee社会经济数据和死亡率的探索性分析(主要成分分析)使用insee社会经济数据和死亡率来识别不同的区域概况。在2008年至2011年期间,中风患者的数量增加了3.85%,特别是对于36-55岁(60%)的缺血性脑卒中(60%)。在同一时期,医院死亡率下降,标准化率的地图说明了从东北到国家西南部延伸的高死亡率的对角线。最严重影响的地区也是具有最不利的社会专业指标的地区。 PMSI-MCO数据库是人口健康状况的主要数据来源。它可用于逐个区域观察某些医疗保健指标的表现,例如住院中的死亡率,或遵循国家冲程计划的实施。我们的研究表明,社会和人口因子与医院中的中风相关的中脑卒中之间的相互作用。探索性分析结果的地图显示了社会困难,老龄化和高死亡率似乎会面的各种领域。该研究提出了关于在孤立地区和人口衰退中获得神经血管护理的问题。远程医疗似乎是决策者赞成的解决方案。为中风管理的人口老龄化不能掩盖年轻人的发病率,这提出了关于古典(吸烟,高血压)或新(药物虐待)风险因素的问题的问题。




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