
NOTES ON PRIMES P 1 mod D AND AP 1/D 1 mod P

机译:关于PRIMES P 1 MOD D和AP 1 / D 1 MOD P的注意事项



Let d > 0 be a squarefree integer and a be an integer, which is not 1 nor a square. Let P(a,d)(x) be the number of primes p ? x such that p 1 mod d and a(p1)/d 1 mod p. Numerical data indicate that the function as approximately equal to a constant multiple of ?(x)/(d'(d)) for suciently large x, where ?(x) is the number of primes up to x and '(d) is the Euler-' function. The involved constant multiple depends on both a and d. In this paper we obtain an average order of the function and explore some properties of the primes counted by the function.
机译:设d> 0是SquareFree整数,A是一个整数,它不是1也是一个正方形。让p(a,d)(x)是primes p的数量? X使P 1 Mod D和A(P1)/ D 1 Mod P.数值数据表明,函数大致等于恒定的倍数?(x)/(d'),用于Suciently大的x,其中x(x)是x和'(d)的infees的数量欧拉的功能。涉及的常数多个取决于A和D。在本文中,我们获得了函数的平均顺序,并探索了函数计算的素质的一些属性。




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