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Reduction in 317–780nm radiance reflected from the sunlit Earth during the eclipse of 21?August 2017




Ten wavelength channels of calibrated radiance image data from the sunlit Earth are obtained every 65min during Northern Hemisphere summer from the EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera) instrument on the DSCOVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory) satellite located near the Earth–Sun Lagrange?1 point (L1), about 1.5millionkm from the Earth. The L1 location permitted seven observations of the Moon's shadow on the Earth for about 3h during the 21?August 2017 eclipse. Two of the observations were timed to coincide with totality over Casper, Wyoming, and Columbia, Missouri. Since the solar irradiances within five channels (λi=388, 443, 551, 680, and 780nm) are not strongly absorbed in the atmosphere, they can be used for characterizing the eclipse reduction in reflected radiances for the Earth's sunlit face containing the eclipse shadow. Five channels (λi=317.5, 325, 340, 688, and 764nm) that are partially absorbed in the atmosphere give consistent reductions compared to the non-absorbed channels. This indicates that cloud reflectivities dominate the 317.5–780nm radiances reflected back to space from the sunlit Earth's disk with a significant contribution from Rayleigh scattering for the shorter wavelengths. An estimated reduction of 10% was obtained for spectrally integrated radiance (387 to 781nm) reflected from the sunlit Earth towards L1 for two sets of observations on 21?August 2017, while the shadow was in the vicinity of Casper, Wyoming (42.8666°N, 106.3131°W; centered on 17:44:50UTC), and Columbia, Missouri (38.9517°N, 92.3341°W; centered on 18:14:50UTC). In contrast, when non-eclipse days (20 and 23?August) are compared for each wavelength channel, the change in reflected light is much smaller (less than 1% for 443nm compared to 9% (Casper) and 8% (Columbia) during the eclipse). Also measured was the ratio REN(λi) of reflected radiance on adjacent non-eclipse days divided by radiances centered in the eclipse totality region with the same geometry for all 10?wavelength channels. The measured REN(443nm) was smaller for Columbia (169) than for Casper (935), because Columbia had more cloud cover than Casper. REN(λi) forms a useful test of a 3-D radiative transfer models for an eclipse in the presence of optically thin clouds. Specific values measured at Casper with thin clouds are REN(340nm)=475, REN(388nm)=3500, REN(443nm)=935, REN(551nm)=5455, REN(680nm)= 220, and REN(780nm)=395. Some of the variability is caused by changing cloud amounts within the moving region of totality during the 2.7min needed to measure all 10?wavelength channels.
机译:在DSCOVR(深空间气候观测所在地)卫星上,每65分钟在北半球夏季获得校准地球的校准辐射图像数据的十个波长频道每65分钟获得每65分钟,位于地球 - 太阳拉格朗日附近的卫星(Deak Sun Lagrange附近) (L1),从地球上约1.5millionkm。 L1位置允许在21年8月期间允许月亮阴影的七次观察到2017年8月八月日夜。两个观察结果是定时与Casper,Wyoming和Columbia,密苏里州的完整性重合。由于五个通道内的太阳能辐射(λi= 388,443,551,680nm)在大气中没有被强烈吸收,因此它们可用于表征反射地球遮阳面的反射辐射的日食减少。与非吸收通道相比,部分吸收的五个通道(λi= 317.5,325,340,688和764nm)使其保持一致的降低。这表明云反射率主要占据了317.5-780nm的放射,从阳光地球磁盘上反射回到空间,具有较短波长的瑞利散射的显着贡献。获得10%的估计减少了10%的频谱集成光谱(387至781nm),从Sunlit地球反映为21岁的两套观察结果,而2017年8月,虽然阴影位于Casper,Wyoming附近(42.8666°N. ,106.3131°W;以17:44:50UTC为中心,哥伦比亚,密苏里州(38.9517°N,92.3341°W;以18:14:50UTC为中心)。相比之下,当对每个波长通道进行比较非日食日(20和23岁)时,反射光的变化比9%(Casper)和8%(哥伦比亚)相比,反射光的变化小得多(443nm小于1%在日食期间)。还测量的是反射辐射的反射辐射的比率REN(λi)在相邻的非ECLIPSE天上除以以Eclipse总区以与所有10个波长通道的几何形状为中心的辐射。测量的REN(443nm)对于哥伦比亚(169)而不是Casper(935),因为哥伦比亚比Casper更多的云盖。 REN(λi)在光上薄云的存在下形成用于日食的3-D辐射转移模型的有用测试。用薄云以薄云测量的特定值是ren(340nm)= 475,ren(388nm)= 3500,ren(443nm)= 935,ren(551nm)= 5455,ren(680nm)= 220和ren(780nm)= 395。一些可变性是由在2.7min期间在衡量所有10·波长通道所需的2.7min期间改变云量而导致的云量。




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