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An unusual scrotal mass: Morphological clues




A 21-year-old male presented with complaints of swelling and dragging sensation in the scrotum for 6 months. Local ex- amination revealed a firm 10 cm?6 cm?4 cm lump with non- palpable right testis. Overlying skin was free. Ultrasonogra- phy showed a mass lesion in the right testicular area with multiple heterogeneous foci and mild increased vascularity, however, without any cystic region and calcification. Right epididymis was also bulky and measured 1.6 cm?0.7 cm with heterogeneous texture. No significant inguinal lymphade- nopathy was present. Features were suggestive of a neoplastic lesion. Patient’s serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alpha feto-protein (AFP), beta-Human chorionic gonadotropin (b-HCG), complete blood count, liver and kid- ney function tests were within normal limits. A high inguinal orchidectomy was subsequently done. Gross examination revealed a firm oval mass with glistening external surface. Cut surface showed residual normal testis as a discrete nodule in center measuring 2.8 cm?2.5 cm?0.8 cm, encased by a large firm white lesion. Layers of tunica were embedded within the tumor.
机译:一个21岁的男性介绍了肿胀和拖曳阴囊中的轰动6个月。局部外胺揭示了一个10厘米的牢固件?6厘米?4厘米的肿块,具有非明显的正确睾丸。覆盖皮肤是免费的。 Ultrasonogra-Phy在右侧睾丸区域中显示出质量病变,具有多种异质焦点和轻度增加的血管性,但没有任何囊性区域和钙化。右附睾还笨重,并测量1.6厘米的滤网0.7厘米。没有任何明显的腹股沟淋巴结 - 表现出现。特征旨在提示肿瘤病变。患者的血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH),α胎儿蛋白(AFP),β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(B-HCG),完全血液计数,肝脏和肾脏功能试验在正常限度范围内。随后进行高腹膜切除术。总检查揭示了具有闪闪发光外表面的坚固椭圆形肿块。切割表面显示残留的正常睾丸,作为中心的离散结节,在2.8厘米的中心测量2.5厘米?0.8厘米,被大型坚固的白色病变包裹。肿瘤内的丘脑层嵌入肿瘤内。




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