首页> 外文期刊>Asian Journal of Urology >A rare rhabdomyolysis appears after transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy

A rare rhabdomyolysis appears after transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy




Rhabdomyolysis (RM) is a pathophysiological process in which creatine kinase and myoglobin from skeletal muscle cells are released into circulation, leading to lethal acute kidney injury (AKI), hypovolemic shock, electrolyte distur- bances and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Although injuries were the first reported and best-known reason for RM, infection currently contributes to approxi- mately 5% of RM [1,2]. Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)- guided prostate biopsy is the most common and important clinical procedure for diagnosing prostate cancer [3]. After a biopsy, hematuria and hematospermia are common but typically mild and self-limiting [4]. Other unusual compli- cations, such as severe rectal bleeding, prostatic abscess and meningitis, have been reported [5e7]. However, rhabdomyolysis after conventional TRUS biopsy is very rare. We report one such case here.
机译:横纹肌分解(RM)是一种病理学生理方法,其中来自骨骼肌细胞的肌酸激酶和肌球蛋白被释放到循环中,导致致命急性肾损伤(AKI),低血压休克,电解质紊乱和传播血管内凝固。虽然损伤是第一次报道和RM的最佳原因,但感染目前有助于5%的RM [1,2]。经委托超声(TRUS) - 引导的前列腺活检是诊断前列腺癌的最常见和重要的临床手术[3]。在活组织检查后,血尿和血清症是常见的,但通常是轻度和自限制[4]。报告了其他不寻常的合作,例如严重的直肠出血,前列腺脓肿和脑膜炎,[5E7]。然而,常规Trus活检后的横纹肌溶解非常罕见。我们在这里报告一个这样的案例。




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