首页> 外文期刊>Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention >A 10-year Study of Esophageal Cancer in Guilan Province, Iran: The Guilan Cancer Registry Study (GCRS)

A 10-year Study of Esophageal Cancer in Guilan Province, Iran: The Guilan Cancer Registry Study (GCRS)




Background: Northern Iran counts as one of the highest prevalence regions for esophageal cancer (EC) worldwide. This study was designed to assess the epidemiologic aspects of EC in north central and northwest Iran over a 10 year period. Materials and Methods: The Guilan cancer registry study (GCRS) is a population-based cancer registry study featuring retrospective (1996-2003) and prospective (2004-2005) phases. A detailed questionnaire based on WHO standards for cancer registratration was applied to gather the required information. Two trained physicians coded information using ICD-O-3 in close coordination with an expert pathologist. Results: A total of 19,936 cases of malignancy (mean age years, range: 1-98 years) were registered, including 1,147 cases (670 males, 447 female; mean age: years) of EC. In 1996 the male/female ratio among patients with EC was 1.25 which increased to 1.53 in 2005. The lower third of the esophagus still remained the most common site of tumors. The average age-standardized rate (ASR) was 6.9 and 4.1 per men and women, respectively. In 1996, the ASRs were 7.2 and 5.2 per men and women which decreased to 6.9 and 4.1 per in 2004-2005. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was the most prevalent histological subtype of EC accounting over 80% of cases. Conclusions: However the prevalence of adenocarcinoma (ADC) showed an increase to 18.4%. Guilan province may be considered a relatively low incidence region for EC.
机译:背景:北伊朗北部是全球食管癌(EC)的最高流行区域之一。该研究旨在在10年内评估伊朗北部和西北部欧共体的流行病学方面。材料和方法:桂兰癌症登记研究(GCRS)是一项基于人口的癌症注册表研究,具有回顾(1996-2003)和预期(2004-2005)阶段。根据世卫组织癌症注册标准进行详细的问卷,以收集所需信息。两个训练有素的医师使用ICD-O-3与专家病理学家密切协调的信息编码信息。结果:注册了19,936例恶性肿瘤病例(平均年龄,范围:1-98岁),包括1,147例(670名男性,447名女性;卑鄙的年龄:年龄:年龄)。 1996年,EC患者的男性/女性比为1.25,2005年增加到1.53.食管的下三分之一仍然是肿瘤最常见的肿瘤部位。平均年龄标准化率(ASR)分别为每名男女6.9和4.1。 1996年,每名男女ASR为7.2和5.2,2004 - 2005年下降至6.9和4.1。鳞状细胞癌(SCC)是EC最普遍的组织学组织亚型,占80%的病例。结论:然而,腺癌(ADC)的患病率均增加到18.4%。桂兰省可能被认为是EC的相对较低的发病率。




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