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Insecticide Trial for Citrus Red Mite and Effects on the Predatory Mite Euseius tularensis, 2019

机译:柑橘红螨的杀虫剂试验和对掠夺性螨虫Euseius Tularensis的影响,2019



Heavy densities of citrus red mite can affect tree health, yield, andfruit quality. Various rates of pesticides were applied to 9-yr-old‘Tango’ mandarin trees at the Lindcove Research and ExtensionCenter, Exeter, California. Treatments were assigned to eight treesper treatment on 21 Mar 2019, based on pretreatment counts ofadult citrus red mites and treatments arranged in an RCB design.Insecticide treatments combined with 0.5% Omni 6E oil were appliedat 200 psi and 200 gpa using a 100 gal high-pressure D30 diaphragmpump sprayer with mechanical agitation on 28 Mar. Miteswere sampled on five leaves from the periphery of four quadrants ofeach sample tree (20 leaves per tree). The number of adult femalecitrus red mites found on the upper side of each leaf and the numberof motile stages of E. tularensis found on the underside of each leafwere recorded every week for 4 wk after the first treatment. Themean number of pest or predatory mites per leaf were comparedbetween treatments using one-way ANOVA after log(x+1) transformationof the data after testing for an NS block effect. Means wereseparated according to Fisher’s protected least significant differencetest (P 0.05).
机译:柑橘类的重型密度红蜘蛛会影响树木健康,产量,质量andfruit。杀虫剂不同的速率在Lindcove研究和ExtensionCenter,埃克塞特,加州适用于9岁,old'Tango”橙子树。处理被分配到八个treesper治疗上2019年3月21日,基于预处理计数ofadult柑桔红蜘蛛和治疗布置在RCB design.Insecticide治疗用0.5%的Omni 6E油组合是appliedat 200psi的,并使用200 GPA一个100加仑的高与3月28日Miteswere机械搅拌来自四个象限周五个叶采样压力D30隔膜泵喷雾器ofeach样品树(每棵树20个叶)。成人的数量femalecitrus每片叶子上和E的numberof能动阶段的上侧发现红螨土拉弗朗西斯菌上每周记录4周第一次处理后的各leafwere的下侧中。每叶害虫或捕食性螨的数目Themean使用单向ANOVA日志(X + 1)transformationof测试用于NS块效应之后的数据后comparedbetween治疗。手段根据Fisher氏保护至少显著differencetest(P <0.05)wereseparated。




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