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Effectiveness of In-Furrow Insecticides for Thrips Control in Peanuts, 2017




The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness ofin-furrow insecticides for managing tobacco thrips, the dominantearly season pest of peanuts in Alabama. This study was conducted atthe Wiregrass Research and Extension Center, Clanton, AL. Peanut,GA O6-G, was planted on 9 May in single and twin rows (two rowswith 9 inch between an overall 36 inch spacing). Eleven treatments,including the untreated check, were arranged in an RCB design withfour replications. Peanut plots were 40 ft long with four treatedrows per plot and 25 ft alleys. At-plant in-furrow liquid insecticideswere applied on 9 May using a CO2 powered backpack sprayerwith nozzles mounted to spray in-furrow at 3 mph 15 psi at 10 gpausing size 35 orifices for twin rows and size 52 orifices for the singlerows. Ground-driven applicator boxes were used for applying granularinsecticides. Thrips damage ratings were determined on 18 Junby examining 10 random peanut terminal leaves using a 10-pointdamage rating (DR) system: 1 = no damage; 2 = 10% of emergingleaves infested or damaged; 3 = 20% of emerging leaves infested ordamaged; 4 = 30% of emerging leaves infested or damaged; 5 = 40%of emerging leaves infested or damaged; 6 = 50% of emerging leavesinfested or damaged; 7 = 60% of emerging leaves infested or damaged;8 = 75% of emerging leaves infested or damaged; 9 = 90%of emerging leaves infested or damaged; 10 = 100% of emergingleaves infested or damaged + dead plants. Peanut plots were invertedon 24 Oct and picked on 28 Oct using a two-row peanut combinethat weighed pod yield for each plot. The average DR and yield arereported in Table 1. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and meanswere separated using Fisher’s protected least significant difference(LSD, P 0.05).
机译:本研究的目的是评估呋喃布杀虫剂用于管理烟草蓟马的有效性,阿拉巴马州的花生的多样性季节。该研究是在Wiregrass Research and Extension Center,Clanton,Al进行的。花生,Ga O6-g,在单行和双行中种植9月(在整个36英寸间距之间有两个9英寸)。在RCB设计中,在RCB设计中排列了11个处理,包括未经处理的检查。花生地块长40英尺长,每场四个处理和25英尺的小巷。植物灌注液杀虫剂在9中施加在9中,可以使用安装在10pph 15 psi的喷嘴以10gpausing尺寸为35孔,为单行的尺寸为35pp,为单行,为单身射击为单行。接地驱动的涂抹器盒用于施用粒状硝基酶。蓟马损伤评级在18 junby检查10个随机花生终端叶中测定10次曲折额定值(DR)系统:1 =没有损坏; 2 = 10%的Emeringleaves感染或损坏; 3 = 20%的新兴叶子被侵染的甲状腺命令; 4 = 30%的新兴叶子被侵染或损坏; 5 = 40%的出现叶子感染或损坏; 6 = 50%的出现叶片虫或损坏; 7 = 60%的出现叶片感染或损坏; 8 = 75%的出现叶片感染或损坏; 9 = 90%的新兴叶子侵染或损坏; 10 = 100%的Emeringleaves侵染或受损+死亡植物。花生地块在10月24日倒倒入,并在28月28日使用双排花生组合的每种曲子的称重豆荚产量。表1中遇到的平均博士和产量。使用ANOVA分析数据,并使用Fisher的受保护最不显着差异分离(LSD,P <0.05)。




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