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Efficacy of Hirsutella thompsonii and Two Other Biological Control Agents Against the Broad Mite in Mulberry, 2019

机译:Hirsutella Thompsonii的功效和另外两种生物对照剂对2019年桑树宽螨的疗效



Mulberry, a fast-growing perennial woody plant, is grown widelyin several districts of Karnataka state in India. It is economicallyimportant in the sericulture industry as its leaves are used as thesole feed of silkworm [Bombyx mori (L.)]. In Ramanagara districtalone, 18,600 ha are under mulberry cultivation by around 26,455farmers who depend on sericulture for their livelihood. In the pastcouple of years, the broad mite has attained alarming levels in thedistrict, causing malformation of terminal leaves and shorteningof internodes in mulberry. Crop loss is in the range of 20–70%,which in turn has adversely affected the average supply of silkwormcocoons to government markets. Pest management in mulberry is achallenge because silkworm is susceptible to chemical pesticides, andresidues on leaves might harm its larvae. It is, therefore, imperativethat biological control should be considered as an alternative solutionin order to protect the interests of the farmers.
机译:桑树,一个快速增长的多年生植物木质植物,广泛种植了印度的卡纳塔克邦的几个地区。蚕桑行业在养蚕产业中是经济体现的,因为它的叶子被用作蚕的素饲料[Bombyx Mori(L.)]。在Ramanagara Sticealone,18,600公顷,桑树在约26,4555岁以下,依赖于蚕桑的生计。在近年来,广阔的螨虫已经实现了令人惊叹的水平,导致终端叶片畸形,桑树缩小桑树。作物损失在20-70%的范围内,这反过来不利影响蚕茧到政府市场的平均供应。桑树的害虫管理是achallenge,因为蚕易受化学杀虫剂的影响,叶子上的andresidues可能会损害其幼虫。因此,Imperativethat生物控制应被视为保护农民利益的替代方案。




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