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Evaluation of Selected Insecticides for Control of Sugarcane Aphid in Grain Sorghum, 2019




Two insecticides were evaluated for control of sugarcane aphid ingrain sorghum at the Research and Education Center at Milan, TN.One treatment included an insecticide tank mixed with a fungicide.Grain sorghum was planted on 3 Jun. The test was arranged in anRCB design with four replicates. Individual plots were 12.5 × 30 ft.Foliar application was made on 1 Aug during early flowering with ahigh clearance sprayer calibrated to deliver 9.3 GPA at 40 PSI with8001 flat fan nozzles. The plots were sampled by visually countingthe number of aphids on the underside of randomly selected sorghumleaves from the center rows of plots. Insect control was evaluated 6Aug, 5 days after treatment (5 DAT), 12 Aug (11 DAT), 16 Aug (15DAT), and 19 Aug (18 DAT). Aphids on ten flag leaves were counted5, 11, and 15 DAT. Five flag leaves and five leaves in the middleportion of the canopy were sampled 18 DAT and the average, totalnumber of aphids from flag and middle-canopy leaves are presentedbelow. Fungicide efficacy was rated on 30 Aug by visually estimatingthe percent area of leaves with symptomology of disease, primarilyconsisting of target spot and anthracnose. Yield data were collected20 Nov by harvesting two center rows of each plot with a plot combine.Data were subjected to ANOVA, and means were separatedusing a protected least significant difference (LSD).
机译:评估了两种杀虫剂,用于对米兰的研究和教育中心进行甘蔗蚜虫高粱,在米兰,TN的研究中,包括一种与杀菌剂混合的杀虫剂坦克。在6月3日植物中种植了高粱。在ANRCB设计中被组装了四个重复。各个地块为12.5×30英尺。八月申请于8月1日在早期开花,校准了8001个平面风扇喷嘴,以40 psi提供9.3 gpa。通过视觉上计算从中心行的中心行中随机选择的高粱薄层的蚜虫数的蚜虫数进行取样。昆虫对照评估6AUG,治疗后5天(5 dat),12月12日(11日),8月16日(15ddat),8月19日(18日)。十个旗叶上的蚜虫数量为5,11和15 dat。在冠层的中间叶中的五个旗叶和五片叶子被取样了18个日期,平均值,来自旗帜和中冠层叶片的蚜虫的Totalnmber被提出。通过目视估计患有疾病的症状,主要是靶点和炭疽病的患者的叶子百分比,杀菌剂疗效评定了血液估计的百分比。通过收获通过收获两个中心行,通过绘制组合的每个曲线收集两个中心行。对ACOVA进行绘图,并且是分离受保护最小差异(LSD)的方法。




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