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Control of Navel Orangeworm in Almond, 2019




This study evaluated the efficacy of reduced risk insecticides forNOW control. The study was conducted in an almond orchardnear Manteca, CA. Five treatments and an untreated check werereplicated four times in an RCB design, each replicate being asingle tree. Two replicates were on an inside row of the orchard,and two were on an outside row. The two rows were both nonpareilwith a pollinator row in between. The orchard was plantedwith 22 ft row × 20 ft tree spacing. Materials were applied witha hand-held orchard sprayer operating at 200 psi with a finishedspray volume of 150 gal/ac. NOW were monitored withtwo egg traps and pheromone traps. Traps were placed in the orchardon 19 Jun and the traps were monitored weekly until 5Sep. Treatments were applied to the outside row on 10 Jul at thebeginning of hull split (5% or less) when eggs were present onNOW egg traps and moths were captured in pheromone traps.A second application was applied on 23 Jul. Treatments were appliedto the inside row on 16 Jul at the beginning of hull split (5%or less) when eggs were present on NOW egg traps and mothswere captured in pheromone traps. A second application was appliedon 30 Jul. The applications occurred during the second flight,with the third flight beginning two weeks after the last application.Due to grower equipment limitations, harvest was delayed anddid not occur until 10 Sep. Shortly after harvest (shaking) on10 Sep, 250 nuts per tree (1,000 nuts/treatment) were pickedup from the ground before windrowing and inspected for NOW.Infestation was classified as none, larvae present (predominantlythird-generation larvae originating from the third flight) or larvaeabsent (predominantly second-generation larvae originating fromthe second flight that already pupated and emerged before evaluation).Data were analyzed using ANOVA and means separationwith Fisher’s protected LSD (P 0.05).
机译:该研究评估了风险杀虫剂降低杀虫剂的疗效。该研究是在CA杏仁果园的德兰田园园在RCB设计中,五次治疗和未处理的检查,每次复制,每次复制都是浅滩树。两个重复在果园的内部行上,两个是外部行。两行既不是in forpareil with in with in for pullinator行。果园被播种了22英尺×20英尺的树间距。用在200psi下操作的手持果园喷雾器应用材料,具有150加仑/ ac的成品Pray体积。现在被监控了鸡蛋陷阱和信息素陷阱。将陷阱放入果园19月19日,每周监测陷阱直到5SEP。当鸡蛋出现鸡蛋捕获鸡蛋捕获卵滴水捕获蛋白滴水中,将治疗施加到外部排。鸡蛋陷阱和飞蛾在信息豚鼠中捕获。将在7月23日申请。治疗适用于内部在船体开头的16七月开始(5%或更少)当现在鸡蛋陷阱和在信息剧陷阱中捕获的鸡蛋陷阱和母亲的开始时。第二次申请是第30次申请。申请发生在第二次航班期间,在最后一次申请后两周开始的第三次航班。延迟延迟收获,收获后不久发生延迟,收获后不久延迟(摇动) 10月10日,每棵树(1,000根螺母/处理)将250颗螺母从地面上拾取,然后在卷扬并被检查之前。遗产被归类为无,幼虫存在(主要是来自第三个飞行的幼虫)或幼虫(主要是二)源自在评估前已经蛹化和出现的第二次飞行的幼虫)。使用ANOVA分析了Data,意味着分离Fisher受保护的LSD(P <0.05)。




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