首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine >Incidence of Smear-positive Tuberculosis in Dale District, Sidama, South Ethiopia

Incidence of Smear-positive Tuberculosis in Dale District, Sidama, South Ethiopia




Background: Estimating TB incidence rate using follow-up study has not been done in southern Ethiopia. Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate incidence rate of smear-positive TB in Dale district, Sidama Region, South Ethiopia. Methods: In a cohort study conducted among 36,575 people in six rural communities: 14,801 children, 92 cases with history of TB treatment and 15 smear-positive TB cases were excluded from the cohort. For 648 smear-negative patients with symptoms of TB and 1443 neighbourhood controls, we did a 3 - 4 monthly follow-up surveys and detected TB cases. For the rest of population, at the end of the follow-up, identification of TB cases from the district TB register was done. Results: In this study, 21,667 adult people were followed for 18,031 person-years and detected 49 new TB cases. Incidence rate of smear-positive TB was (273; 95% CI: 206 - 361)/100,000 person-years. The risk of smear-positive TB was higher among illiterate people (Adjusted incidence rate ratio 2.4; 95% CI 1.2 - 5.0). Conclusion: TB continued to be a major public health problem in rural communities of South Ethiopia. A high incidence rate of smear-positive TB was observed in the study settings. To improve specificity of the diagnosis, future studies should consider using sputum culture or GeneXpert in screening and diagnosis of TB.
机译:背景:埃塞俄比亚南部估计使用后续研究的结核病发病率。目的:本研究的目的是估算北埃塞俄比亚岛屿地区戴尔区涂层阳性结核病发病率。方法:在六名农村社区36,575人中进行的队列研究中:14,801名儿童,92例患有TB治疗病史,15例被排除在队列中。对于648例患有TB症状和1443个邻域控制的患者,我们做了3-4个月后续调查和检测到的结核病病例。对于其他人口,在随访结束时,完成了TB寄存器的结核病案件。结果:在本研究中,21,667名成年人员持续18,031人,并检测到49例新结核病病例。涂片阳性Tb的发病率为(273; 95%CI:206-361)/ 100,000人年。肤色阳性Tb的风险较高,文盲人(调整后发病率2.4; 95%CI 1.2 - 5.0)。结论:结核病仍然是南埃塞俄比亚农村社区的主要公共卫生问题。在研究环境中观察到涂片阳性Tb的高发发生率。为了提高诊断的特异性,未来的研究应考虑使用痰培养或筛选筛查和诊断TB。




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