首页> 外文期刊>Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis >Anandamide in the anterior hypothalamus diminishes defensive responses elicited in mice threatened by Epicrates cenchria constrictor serpents

Anandamide in the anterior hypothalamus diminishes defensive responses elicited in mice threatened by Epicrates cenchria constrictor serpents

机译:前丘脑中的南非酰胺减少了由Encrates Cenchria Constrictor蛇威胁的小鼠引发的防御反应



The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the panicolytic?like effect of different doses of anandamide microinjected into the anterior hypothalamus (AH) follows the same pattern of a?bell?shaped dose?response curve observed with the same dose treatment in dorsomedial and ventromedial hypothalamus. We investigated this assumption by administering the cannabinoid and vanilloid receptor agonist anandamide into the anterior hypothalamus of mice and exposing them to the real threatening situation by using our experimental model based on confrontations between rodents and wild snakes. Our findings showed a?gradual decay of response, with a?significant attenuation of the panic attack?like responses with anandamide at the highest dose but no effect was found after anandamide at the lowest or intermediate doses. An immunohistochemical procedure showed a?lower degree of TRPV1 receptor and moderate to higher degree of Cb1 receptors in anterior hypothalamus. In conclusion, the pattern of dose?response curve of anandamide microinjected in the AH does not seem to be the same classical pattern compared with other hypothalamic nuclei.




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