首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Migration Studies >Shaping migration at the border: the entangled rationalities of border control practices

Shaping migration at the border: the entangled rationalities of border control practices




This article analyses how border guards as members of a state organisation shape the movement of non-nationals into the territory of a nation state. Based on ethnographic fieldwork on the Swiss Border Guard (SBG), it explores the rationalities—understood as stabilised ways of reasoning and acting—that characterise practices within this state organisation. Combining organisational and structuration theory with a street-level bureaucracy perspective allows for a differentiated analysis of the various facets of border guards’ everyday work. Four rationalities of border-control practices are identified and compared: security, humanitarian, cost-calculation, and pragmatic rationality. I argue that, by considering both the specific goals and imperatives of border control and the characteristics of street-level bureaucrats acting within a state organisation, these entangled logics explain the complex and incoherent social reality of border control. More generally, the results contribute to organisational theory by pointing to the importance of taking into account that multiple entangled rationalities structure the practices of an organisation’s members.
机译:本文分析了边境卫队如何作为州组织的成员塑造非国民将非国民的流动转变为国家州的领土。基于瑞士边境警卫(SBG)的民族景观,它探讨了理性 - 理解为稳定的推理和行动方式 - 这在该州组织内的实践表征。将组织和结构理论与街道级官僚主义的角度相结合,允许对边界警卫日常工作的各个方面进行差异化分析。确定和比较了边界控制实践的四个合理性:安全,人道主义,成本计算和务实的理性。我认为,通过考虑边境管制的具体目标和必屈全方以及州组织内部行动的街道级官僚的特点,这些纠缠逻辑解释了边境管制的复杂和不连贯的社会现实。更一般地说,结果通过指出考虑到多种纠缠理性结构构建组织成员的实践的重要性来促进组织理论。




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