首页> 外文期刊>Clinical medicine: journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London >Male and female faculty members’ perceptions of organisational culture in academic medicine at 26 representative US academic health centres: implications for delivering the future hospital

Male and female faculty members’ perceptions of organisational culture in academic medicine at 26 representative US academic health centres: implications for delivering the future hospital




AimVital and productive academic faculty are critical to the futurehospital, yet studies indicate high dissatisfaction and burnout,and a lack of advancement and senior roles for women. Thisstudy sought to identify personal and cultural factors associatedwith vitality and intention to leave academic medicine, andsimilarity and dissimilarity between perceptions of the cultureby male and female faculty, and racial/ethnic minority faculty(URMM).MethodsThe C – Change Faculty Survey was used to collect data onperceptions of organisational culture in a stratifi ed randomsample of 4,578 full-time faculty in a stratifi ed randomlyselected sample of 26 US medical schools during 2007–9. Thesurvey asked about advancement, engagement, relationships,collaboration, diversity and equity, leadership, mentoring,institutional values and practices, and work–life integration.Factor analysis and expert review created scales assessing 12dimensions of the culture, which served as the key outcomes.Regression analysis identifi ed gender and minority differenceswhile controlling for other demographic characteristics.
机译:AIMVITAL和生产的学术教师对未来的讨论至关重要,但研究表明高度不满和倦怠,以及缺乏妇女的进步和高级作用。鉴定了与文化和意图留下学术医学,文化和女性教师的看法之间的生命力和意图,以及种族/少数民族教师(urmm)之间的个人和文化因素.Methodsthe C - Change教师调查用于收集2007 - 9年在26美国26美国医学院的STRIFI ED随机选择的4,578名全职教师中对组织文化的思考。 Thesurvey询问了进步,参与,关系,协作,多样性和股权,领导,指导,制度价值观和做法,以及工作生活整合。因素分析和专家审查创造的规模评估了12规定的文化,这是关键结果。回归分析标识为其他人口统计特征的鉴定性别和少数差异。




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