首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology >Anatomical Characterization of the Adventitious Roots of Mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) Mini-cuttings

Anatomical Characterization of the Adventitious Roots of Mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) Mini-cuttings

机译:伴侣不定根的解剖学特征(Ilex Paraguariensis A. St.-Hil。)迷你切割



Leaves of mate is one of the main non-timber forest products marketed in South America, which makes establishment of new plantations of great interest. However, vegetative propagation of mate plantlets presents difficulties, which may be associated with the complexity of adventitious root formation. The aims of this study were to anatomically characterize the adventitious roots of mate-clone mini-cuttings and investigate the relationship of phenols and starch with adventitious rooting competence in mini-cuttings treated or not with indole-butyric acid (IBA). The mini-cuttings of four clones were collected at 0, 30, and 60 days of cultivation, fixed in a solution containing 1% glutaraldehyde and 4% formaldehyde, pre-infiltrated and infiltrated in (2-hydroxyethyl) methacrylate, and sectioned in a microtome. Ferric chloride and toluidine blue were used to detect phenolic compounds and lugol to identify starch. Adventitious roots formed in mini-cuttings treated with IBA presented disorganized xylem and phloem and poles irregularly but exhibited sclerenchyma vessel elements and tracheid cells indicating functionality. Differences in the rhizogenic ability of mate clones mini-cuttings were not due to the presence of anatomical barriers or the accumulation of phenolic compounds but be associated with the presence and distribution of starch grains in vegetative propagules.
机译:伴侣的叶子是南美洲的主要非木材森林产品之一,这使得建立了巨大兴趣的新种植园。然而,Mate Plantlets的营养繁殖呈现困难,这可能与不定根形成的复杂性有关。该研究的目的是解剖学表征交配型迷你切割的不定根,并研究苯酚和淀粉的关系与吲哚-丁酸(IBA)处理的迷你切割中的偶然生根能力。在培养的0,30和60天内收集四个克隆的迷你切屑,固定在含有1%戊二醛和4%甲醛的溶液中,预渗透和渗透(2-羟乙基)甲基丙烯酸酯,并在a中切开切片机。使用氯化铁和甲苯胺蓝色来检测酚类化合物和Lugol以鉴定淀粉。在IBA处理的迷你切屑中形成的不定根,不规则地呈现了混乱的Xylem和Phloem和Poles,但表现出用于表明官能度的硬化血管元件和Trachidid细胞。 MATE克隆迷你切割的流管能力的差异不是由于存在解剖屏障或酚类化合物的积累而是与植物繁殖中淀粉颗粒的存在和分布相关。




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