首页> 外文期刊>Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana >Corales escleractínidos del Triásico tardío de la Formación Nayband, suroeste de Ardestán, Irán central

Corales escleractínidos del Triásico tardío de la Formación Nayband, suroeste de Ardestán, Irán central

机译:伊朗中部arduestán西南部的Nayband Chromation晚期三叠系的孤立线珊瑚珊瑚



Late Triassic coral fauna from the Nayband Formation, southwest of Ardestan town (Central Iran), is represented by solitary, phaceloid and colonial (cerioid, meandroid, thamnasterioid, and plocoid) growth forms, attributed to 14 genera and 24 species. They occur in biostromal bioconstructions, in Bidestan and Howz-e-Khan Members of Nayband Formation. Sponges and corals are the main reef-building organisms in these biostromes, and occur together with hydrozoan Heterastridium spp., bivalves, and other reef dwellers (e.g., echinoderms, gastropods, and brachiopods). The corals of the studied area bear taxonomic resemblance to the Late Triassic corals from Northern Calcareous Alps and Pamirs, Central Asia.




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