首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >Classifying grey seal behaviour in relation to environmental variability and commercial fishing activity - a multivariate hidden Markov model

Classifying grey seal behaviour in relation to environmental variability and commercial fishing activity - a multivariate hidden Markov model

机译:对环境变异性和商业捕捞活动相关的灰色密封行为 - 多变量隐马尔可夫模型



Classifying movement behaviour of marine predators in relation to anthropogenic activity and environmental conditions is important to guide marine conservation. We studied the relationship between grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) behaviour and environmental variability in the southwestern Baltic Sea where seal-fishery conflicts are increasing. We used multiple environmental covariates and proximity to active fishing nets within a multivariate hidden Markov model (HMM) to quantify changes in movement behaviour of grey seals while at sea. Dive depth, dive duration, surface duration, horizontal displacement, and turning angle were used to identify travelling, resting and foraging states. The likelihood of seals foraging increased in deeper, colder, more saline waters, which are sites with increased primary productivity and possibly prey densities. Proximity to active fishing net also had a pronounced effect on state occupancy. The probability of seals foraging was highest 5?km from active fishing nets (51%) and decreased as distance to nets increased. However, seals used sites 5?km from active fishing nets only 3% of their time at sea highlighting an important temporal dimension in seal-fishery interactions. By coupling high-resolution oceanographic, fisheries, and grey seal movement data, our study provides a scientific basis for designing management strategies that satisfy ecological and socioeconomic demands on marine ecosystems.
机译:对海洋捕食者相关的运动行为与人为活动和环境条件相关是指导海洋保护的重要性。我们研究了西南波罗的海的灰色印章(Halichoerus Glypus)行为与环境变异的关系,密封渔业冲突正在增加。我们在多变量隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)内使用了多种环境协变量和靠近主动渔网,以在海上量化灰色密封件的运动行为变化。潜水深度,潜水持续时间,表面持续时间,水平位移和转动角度用于识别行驶,休息和觅食状态。密封件觅食的可能性在更深的更深,更冷,更多的盐水中增加,这些水域是具有提高初级生产率和可能猎物密度的位点。靠近主动捕捞网也对国家占用率发了明显的影响。密封件觅食的概率从主动捕鱼网(51%)最高<5?km,随着距离的距离而减少。然而,密封件使用的遗址<5?km来自主动渔网,只有3%的海上时间突出了密封渔业相互作用的重要时间尺寸。通过耦合高分辨率海洋,渔业和灰色密封运动数据,我们的研究为设计了满足海洋生态系统的生态和社会经济需求的管理策略提供了科学依据。


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