首页> 外文期刊>Scientific reports. >A case of nascent speciation: unique polymorphism of gonophores within hydrozoan Sarsia lovenii

A case of nascent speciation: unique polymorphism of gonophores within hydrozoan Sarsia lovenii

机译:新生品种的案例:Hydrozoan Sarsia Lovenii内的歌剧团的独特多态性



Revealing the mechanisms of life cycle changes is critical for understanding the processes driving hydrozoan evolution. Our analysis of mitochondrial (COI, 16S) and nuclear (ITS1 and ITS2) gene fragments resulted in the discovery of unique polymorphism in the life cycle of Sarsia lovenii from the White Sea. This polymorphic species exhibits two types of gonophores: hydroids produce both free-swimming medusae and attached medusoids (phenotypic polymorphism). Our phylogenetic analysis revealed the intrinsic genetic structure of S. lovenii (genetic polymorphism). Two haplogroups inhabiting the White Sea differ in their reproductive modes. Haplogroup 1 produces attached medusoids, and haplogroup 2 produces free-swimming medusae. Our experiments indicated the possibility of free interbreeding between haplogroups that likely is a rare event in the sea. We propose that inter-haplogroup crossing of S. lovenii in the White Sea may be limited by discordance in periods of spawning or by spatial differences in habitat of spawning specimens. Our finding can be interpreted as a case of nascent speciation that illustrates the patterns of repeated medusa loss in hydrozoan evolution. Life cycle traits of S. lovenii may be useful for elucidating the molecular mechanisms of medusa reduction in hydrozoans.
机译:揭示生命周期的机制变化对于了解驾驶氢垃圾进化的过程至关重要。我们对线粒体(COI,16S)和核(ITS1及其2)基因片段的分析导致来自白海的Sarsia Lovenii的生命周期中的独特多态性。这种多晶型物种表现出两种类型的歌剧团:加氢液产生自由游泳Medusae和附着的宿疗(表型多态性)。我们的系统发育分析显示了S.Vovenii(遗传多态性)的内在遗传结构。居住在白海中的两组寄生群体在他们的生殖模式中不同。 Haplogroup 1产生附着的meduusoids,Haplogroup 2产生自由游泳Medusae。我们的实验表明,可能是海普洛群之间的自由杂交的可能性,这可能是海洋中罕见的事件。我们建议白海中S. Lovenii的跨族群体过桥可能受到产卵期的不间断的限制,或通过产卵标本的栖息地的空间差异受到限制。我们的发现可以被解释为新生种的案例,说明了氢佐安进化中重复的Medusa损失的模式。 S. LovenII的生命周期特征可用于阐明含有氢磺酸的MEDUSA的分子机制。



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