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Tremorgenic effects and functional metabolomics analysis of lolitrem B and its biosynthetic intermediates

机译:Lolitrem B及其生物合成中间体的震颤效应和功能性代谢分析



The neuroactive mycotoxin lolitrem B causes a neurological syndrome in grazing livestock resulting in hyperexcitability, muscle tremors, ataxia and, in severe cases, clonic seizures and death. To define the effects of the major toxin lolitrem B in the brain, a functional metabolomic study was undertaken in which motor coordination and tremor were quantified and metabolomic profiling undertaken to determine relative abundance of both toxin and key neurotransmitters in various brain regions in male mice. Marked differences were observed in the duration of tremor and coordination between lolitrem B pathway members, with some showing protracted effects and others none at all. Lolitrem B was identified in liver, kidney, cerebral cortex and thalamus but not in brainstem or cerebellum which were hypothesised previously to be the primary site of action. Metabolomic profiling showed significant variation in specific neurotransmitter and amino acid profiles over time. This study demonstrates accumulation of lolitrem B in the brain, with non-detectable levels of toxin in the brainstem and cerebellum, inducing alterations in metabolites such as tyrosine, suggesting a dynamic catecholaminergic response over time. Temporal characterisation of key pathways in the pathophysiological response of lolitrem B in the brain were also identified.
机译:神经活性的霉菌毒素Lolitrem B引起神经系统综合征在放牧牲畜中导致过度兴奋性,肌肉震颤,共济失调以及严重案例,克隆癫痫发作和死亡。为了定义大脑中主要毒素Lolitem B的效果,进行了功能性代原研究,其中定量了运动协调和震颤,以确定雄性小鼠各种脑区中的毒素和关键神经递质的相对丰度和代谢组分。在Lolitrem Pathway成员之间的震颤和协调的潮流和协调的持续时间内观察到显着的差异,有些人出现了一些突出的效果和其他人。 Lolitrem B在肝脏,肾脏,脑皮质和丘脑中鉴定,但在脑干或小脑中被鉴定,所述脑干或小脑中以前是作为主要行动的主要部位。代谢物分析显示出在特定的神经递质和氨基酸谱上随时间的显着变化。该研究表明,脑干中的大脑中的Lolitem B积累,脑干中的毒素和小脑中的无可检测水平,诱导代谢物如酪氨酸的改变,表明动态儿茶酚胺能反应随时间随时间的推移。还鉴定了大脑中Lolitrem B的病理生理学响应中的关键途径的时间表征。



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