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Understanding the emergence of modern humans and the disappearance of Neanderthals: Insights from Kaldar Cave (Khorramabad Valley, Western Iran)

机译:了解现代人类的出现和Neanderthals的消失:卡尔达尔洞穴的见解(伊朗西部Khorramabad Valley)



Kaldar Cave is a key archaeological site that provides evidence of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in Iran. Excavations at the site in 2014–2015 led to the discovery of cultural remains generally associated with anatomically modern humans (AMHs) and evidence of a probable Neanderthal-made industry in the basal layers. Attempts have been made to establish a chronology for the site. These include four thermoluminescence (TL) dates for Layer 4, ranging from 23,100?±?3300 to 29,400?±?2300?BP, and three AMS radiocarbon dates from charcoal samples belonging to the lower part of the same layer, yielding ages of 38,650–36,750?cal BP, 44,200–42,350?cal BP, and 54,400–46,050?cal BP (all at the 95.4% confidence level). Kaldar Cave is the first well-stratified Late Palaeolithic locality to be excavated in the Zagros which is one of the earliest sites with cultural materials attributed to early AMHs in western Asia. It also offers an opportunity to study the technological differences between the Mousterian and the first Upper Palaeolithic lithic technologies as well as the human behaviour in the region. In this study, we present a detailed description of the newly excavated stratigraphy, quantified results from the lithic assemblages, preliminary faunal remains analyses, geochronologic data, taphonomic aspects, and an interpretation of the regional paleoenvironment.
机译:Kaldar Cave是一个主要的考古遗址,提供了伊朗中古石英过渡的中间的证据。 2014 - 2015年网站的挖掘导致文化的发现仍然与解剖学现代人(AMHS)和基础层中可能的尼安德特的行业有关的证据。已经尝试建立了该网站的年表。这些包括层4的四个热致发光(TL)日期,范围为23,100?±3300至29,400〜29,400?±2300?BP,以及来自属于同一层下部的木炭样品的三个AMS射频日期,均为38,650岁-36,750?Cal BP,44,200-42,350?Cal BP和54,400-46,050?Cal BP(全部在95.4%的置信水平上)。 Kaldar Cave是第一个在Zagros中挖掘出来的第一个良好分层的古石地区,是最早的遗址之一,归因于西亚早期AMH的文化材料。它还提供了研究所以和第一个上部古石岩石技术以及该地区的人类行为之间的技术差异。在这项研究中,我们展示了新挖掘的地层,岩石组合的量化结果的详细描述,初步动物遗骸仍然分析,地理学数据,撰写的方面以及区域古环境的解释。


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