首页> 外文期刊>International journal of infectious diseases : >Pneumonia in healthcare workers during a COVID-19 outbreak at a cardiovascular hospitals

Pneumonia in healthcare workers during a COVID-19 outbreak at a cardiovascular hospitals




Objectives During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, healthcare workers (HCWs) have been at high risk of infection. This study investigated clinical and treatment characteristics of infected HCWs at a cardiovascular hospital. Methods This retrospective study was conducted at a tertiary cardiovascular hospital and included HCWs with confirmed COVID-19. Subjects completed a questionnaire on health status, symptoms, admission to hospital and treatment. Vaccination status against tuberculosis, hepatitis B and seasonal influenza was assessed. Pneumonia was defined as ground glass opacifications (GGOs) and consolidations on computed tomography (CT). Results This study included 107 HCWs with confirmed COVID-19, representing 15% of all HCWs ( n = 726) at the study hospital. Most of the confirmed cases worked in the cardiac surgery department, the anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine department, and the postoperative ward [74/107 (69%)]. A substantial number of infected HCWs were asymptomatic [31 (28.9%)], and 38 (35.5%) were admitted to hospital. The mean ± standard deviation length of hospital stay was 8.1 ± 5.6 days. Seventy-five of 107 (70.1%) confirmed cases had been vaccinated against seasonal influenza. Pneumonia with GGOs and consolidations on CT occurred in 25 of 107 (23.4%) HCWs, with 14 (13.1%) cases of bilateral involvement. On multivariate logistic regression analysis including characteristics known to be associated with poorer outcomes in COVID-19 (i.e. obesity, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, current smoking, heart failure, seasonal influenza immunization), only seasonal influenza immunization remained an independent predictor of the occurrence of bilateral pneumonia (odds ratio 0.207, 95% confidence interval 0.050–0.847; P = 0.029). Conclusions The association found between seasonal influenza immunization and less-aggressive COVID-19 pneumonia may support the implementation of preventive measures to reduce the global burden of COVID-19.
机译:2019年冠状病毒疾病期间的目标(Covid-19)大流行,医疗保健工人(HCWS)一直处于感染的高风险。本研究调查了在心血管医院感染HCWS的临床和治疗特征。方法对第三次心血管医院进行该回顾性研究,并将HCW与确认的Covid-19一起进行。受试者在健康状况,症状,入院和治疗中完成了调查问卷。评估抗结核病,乙型肝炎和季节性流感的疫苗接种状态。肺炎被定义为地面玻璃缺水(GGO)和计算断层摄影(CT)的整合。结果本研究包括107个HCWS,确认的Covid-19,学习医院的15%占所有HCW(n = 726)。大多数确诊病例在心脏手术部,麻醉学和重症监护医学部门和术后病房中致力于[74/107(69%)]。大量感染的HCW是无症状的[31(28.9%)],38名(35.5%)入院。住院住院的平均值±标准偏差为8.1±5.6天。 107例(70.1%)确诊病例中的七十五是针对季节性流感疫苗的疫苗。具有GGOS的肺炎和CT的整合发生在107个(23.4%)HCW中发生,24例(23.1%)的双边参与案件。关于多变量物流回归分析,包括已知与Covid-19中较差的特征(即肥胖,糖尿病,冠状动脉疾病,脑血管疾病,目前吸烟,心力衰竭,季节性流感免疫),只有季节性流感免疫仍然是一个独立的预测性双侧肺炎的发生(几率比0.207,95%置信区间0.050-0.847; p = 0.029)。结论季节性流感免疫和较少侵略性的Covid-19肺炎之间的关联可能支持实施预防措施,以减少Covid-19的全球负担。



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